California Passes “Bullet Button” Bill – IOTW Report

California Passes “Bullet Button” Bill

Mercury News- — Responding to last year’s deadly terrorist attack on San Bernardino and other mass shootings, the state Senate this morning approved a package of sweeping gun-control legislation.

The Senate approved measures that would regulate the sale of ammunition, make several changes to the assault weapons ban lawmakers passed almost two decades ago and close a loophole that allows anyone to borrow a gun for up to 30 days without background checks. Democrats acted over the objections of Republicans, who argued that the new rules would unfairly punish law-abiding gun owners.State Sen. Isadore Hall III, D-Compton, left, gives a thumbs up as the "bullet button" bill he and Sen. Steven Glazer,D-Orinda, right, authored was approved by the Senate, Thursday, May 19, 2016, in Sacramento, Calif. The bill SB880, one of several of a package of gun control measures, was approved the Senate. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

De León’s Senate Bill 1235 and Assembly Bill 156, authored by Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, seek to remedy the problem by defining ammunition as “one or more loaded cartridges consisting of a primer case, propellant and with one or more projectiles.”

The Senate approved both measures on a 24-15 vote.

Sen. Jeff Stone, R-Riverside, insisted that the bills would do nothing to deter criminals from obtaining ammunition, and he noted that Brown has already vetoed a similar piece of legislation.

“They’ll go to the black market to buy their ammunition,” Stone said. “I’m going to stand with the Second Amendment. I urge a no vote.”

Senate Bill 880, authored by Sens. Isadore Hall, D-South Bay, and Steve Glazer, D-Walnut Creek, and Assembly Bill 1135, authored by Assemblymen Marc Levine, D-Marin County, and Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, seek to modify the assault weapons ban to effectively prohibit “bullet buttons.”

Aiming to work around current law, which bans long-guns with detachable magazines, firearms manufacturers began selling “California compliant” assault weapons with recessed buttons that allow users to instantly detach a magazine by pressing it with the tip of a bullet or another small tool.

The Senate approved these measures on a 24-14 vote.


ht/ Bad Brad

16 Comments on California Passes “Bullet Button” Bill

  1. I want to beat that guys ass hard that has his thumbs up. Who do these Poindexters think they are? What about our constitutional rights. I find it Freaken amazing that they use a Terrorist Attack to justify stripping law abiding gun owners of their rights. Are you kidding me? In the last year California passed prop 47 which releases a shit load of people out of prison. Crime is way up. So let’s disarm or make criminals out of law abiding citizens.

    I’ve got to move.

  2. So, if this bullet-button bill passes, every AR-15 in California will be illegal?

    How will you reload an AR once the mag runs dry, break it open like a shotgun and reload the now-fixed mag one by one?

    IIRC the Bullet-button was in response to another idiotic CA law requiring a tool to drop the magazine; now suddenly bullet buttons are going to be illegal. WTF (And were bullet-button ARs used during the terrorist attack, or were they the conventional mag release buttons?

  3. @Brad – I feel the same way about NY.

    Waiting to see where our daughter ends up when she gets out of the Army next January. She says no way in hell is she moving back to NY.

  4. This whole nonsense isn’t about “deterring criminals”. It’s about creating more subjects and criminals out of formerly law-abiding citizens.

    Well, success – because I WILL NOT COMPLY.

    As a matter of fact, I’m in the garage milling out another 80% AR lower.

    All you sheep can literally go fuck yourselves.

    Because, BAAA-AAAAA-AAAA…….

  5. Seems like an enterprising gun enthusiast with the ability to shape a 1/2 in wide strip of spring steel such that it was able to quickly fasten (snap) to and unfasten (unsnap) from the offensive weapon, with a long enough strip to “cover” the said button, such that an obviously small diameter, short length piece of “bar” could then be screwed (as spot-welding would likely be insufficient) into position just over the button thus rendering the pussy-democrat-imposed bullet button eminently thumbable.

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