California police to use Chinese-made patrol drones with night-vision cameras during lockdown – IOTW Report

California police to use Chinese-made patrol drones with night-vision cameras during lockdown

Wa Ex: A California police department is planning on using drones equipped with cameras and loudspeakers to monitor a coronavirus shutdown.

The Chula Vista Police Department recently doubled its fleet of drones, purchasing two of the machines from Chinese company DJI. The police department told the Financial Times that they would be outfitted with night-vision cameras.

“We have not traditionally mounted speakers to our drones, but … if we need to cover a large area to get an announcement out, or if there were a crowd somewhere that we needed to disperse, we could do it without getting police officers involved,” said Capt. Vern Sallee.

“The outbreak has changed my view of expanding the program as rapidly as I can,” Sallee added.

U.S. officials have warned about the threat China-made drones could pose to the U.S. The company that the police department is purchasing from, DJI, is the world’s largest player in the civilian drone industry.

Spencer Gore, chief executive of U.S.-based drone company Impossible Aerospace, said he is “working like crazy” to help equip other law enforcement agencies with drones and emphasized that the hardware his company uses is made domestically.

“What we saw in China, and what we’re probably going to see around the world, is using drones with cameras and loudspeakers to fly around to see if people are gathering where they shouldn’t be, and telling them to go home,” Gore said. “It seems a little Orwellian but this could save lives.” more

15 Comments on California police to use Chinese-made patrol drones with night-vision cameras during lockdown

  1. “-It seems a little Orwellian but it’s for your own good!”

    Shit shit shit.
    I really wish I had a gun license now.

    I guess for now I can look into learning how to use a bow.

  2. And no doubt there will be a little chip built into it somewhere sending all voice, GPS and images back to some little Yella fellas bunker in China from the moment the battery is installed.

  3. Way to go California!

    Do the Chinese surveillance of your population for them with the hidden microchip functions imbedded in the fucking drones.

    Make sure you fly them close to the military bases to so that you can undermine your armed forces as well!

  4. i just sold my dji phantom 3 professional. That thing was built like a tank. I saw a video of the identical drone following a 50-60 foot racing yacht in a vicious storm. Huge waves, rain, ship practically horizontal and here was that drone tailing that ship from 100 feet behind and 100 feet vertical. They flew it back to boat and grabbed it, didnt bither to land it. I thought it was Japanese though.

  5. Chuffed @

    Archery is my personal choice:


    At my peak of practice (few years ago) I used to pin chipmunks to trees because barn rats were E A S Y!

    Less noise than a fart in a Library

  6. ELYSIUM: a complete blueprint of the left’s future world.

    So, are they going to keep the homeless camps under surveillance, of course not. It’s only to gain absolute police state control of the few non commie citizens.

    While we hunker in our homes, business dies, manufacturing dies, and America dies, while the ‘Nero’s of Congress fiddle and grab.

    America is a ghost country, waiting for WHAT? Worthless Congress to help us? They don’t want to help us, they want to control us.

    Coming soon: rationed water, electricity, no trash pick up and spinning down into ‘quarantine shelters’/ghettos.

    They are waiting for the first sign of rebellion. Many state and local Governments already have martial law set up. They’ve let criminals go and restrain police.

    Chaos is a second away. Under cover of panic to pass more more restrictions. Anyone who believes that congress is working on a relief bill is delusional. All the demoncrats want is to pass a bill sliding their socialized funding and more destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

  7. Great strides are being taken and gains gained during this crisis.

    On every front from scientific to social and political.

    But by the wrong people, IMO.

    And the majority of people are approvingly cheering them on, just like the people of Germany did in the 30’s did with the Nazi’s.

  8. No surprise here, CA’s practically the PRC already.
    Seems like anything that you could launch a bungee cord to drone level would work – it’s not going to fly with that in the props!
    Or you could go the David & Goliath method…

  9. A neighbor of mine found a very expensive drone sitting in the middle of his horse pasture recently. He’s not giving it back to whoever parked it there. It had a very expensive camera onboard, too.


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