California Power Company Wants to Treat Electric Vehicles as Batteries During Peak Usage – IOTW Report

California Power Company Wants to Treat Electric Vehicles as Batteries During Peak Usage


It’s been said before, California’s power grid will have to expand in order to meet the demand for more energy. PG&E’s CEO Patricia Poppe has come up with an “unconventional” idea, using electric cars to send excess power back to the grid to prevent blackouts.

Bi-directional charging already allows a few electric cars to send energy from their battery to a home. Think of it as a backup home generator.

“It’s a gigantic unharnessed, untapped power source that can be used. Most vehicles are sitting parked, unused 95 percent of the time,” added Johnson.

Still, PG&E has to come up with a compensation plan for those willing to plug into the grid.

“If it’s a good offer, I’ll approve it, confirm it and stuff like that,” said Kenneth Lucas, an EV owner.


23 Comments on California Power Company Wants to Treat Electric Vehicles as Batteries During Peak Usage

  1. Can’t I do the same with the USB port on my night stand for my cell phone?…..One thing is for sure, the COOP electric company I have ain’t very COOPerative if my monthly check is late…..

  2. I mentioned this 4-5 years ago on IOTW.

    ALL SHIT that was stated in Ontario by a Former LIBERAL PROVINCIAL Gov’t that was trying to BAN NATURAL GAS in any new Subdivisions being Built.

    Once again Friends; Try it in Australia or Canuckistan FIRST Determine and Guage How the “Merican’s” will react.

    Ontario seems to be a Model for the East Coast and Australia seems to be the Mid West more or less.

    Cheers, I’m just trying to let you know whats coming…


  3. What an amazingly wasteful process.
    The bottom line, if they really intended to support electrification of transportation, with the current level of service the electric grid would have to be *radically* boosted to support it. Since that’s not happening obviously this clearly tells us what the real plan is. And no less than the US “VP” aldo let it slip out recently when she said “..population reduction” (oops).
    And still we don’t put up a fight..

  4. As I remember, the transfer of energy, charging you battery is not perfect. I seem to remember you lose, waste around 8%. So if that’s true, now you’re going to waste 16% of an already taxed power grid. Bottom line, it can’t be done. And this sounds like some air head making shit up as she goes.
    A little help from the engineering crowd here. 8% ?

  5. Not to mention the drain on the total battery life for your electric vehicle. This is still an unknown but speculated at about 8 years/100,000 miles with fingers crossed. but if you keep pumping and sucking electricity from these vehicles to support the power grid, that battery life will go down a lot.

    When you charge a little a suck a little consistently from these batteries, their life deteriorates. Optimumly, they are not fully charged, and not fully drained, and operate between 10% and 80% capacity.

  6. Fwiw I was a major OEM notebook computer battery life optimization engineer for over 10 years. Yes, the process to charge your battery from AC is quite lossy. So is the process of getting some DC energy back out and converting it to AC. They’re proposing it as a means to try and keep the grid from collapsing under peak loads lol. What we SHOULD be seeing instead are lots of stories about new, added capacity and improvements to the power grid. But we don’t see a single one of those stories. what does that tell us, hmm?

  7. During peak times or a disaster, don’t plan on going to the grocery store with a dead battery, let alone to the relatives!
    – – and yes charging is lossy.
    We talked about the Grid not being robust enough back in the 70s, so we’ve know for 50 years that added capacity and major improvements need to be made, but the Greenoids only know how to destroy – take away our coal plants, our gas plants, nuclear plants, even Hydro!

  8. And if an emergency comes up, you E car is dead. How nice. What about spikes on the power line?? Surge protectors burn out often and many times it is hidden and never seen till you wonder why your PS got zapped when you didn’t know the surge protector was DOA and had been dead for months or years. I’m sure your E car loves fluctuations and brown outs during it’s charge cycle. It is just great when elected officials and their staffs make decisions with little to zero knowledge on subjects. The Jab comes to mind.

  9. If you live in a frigid climate you’ll need a heated garage for your EV. Even more inefficiency! To be fair, internal combustion engines need an engine block heater if they’re left outside in arctic conditions.

    I know in the past that Tesla owners who left the car unattended for long periods basically ‘bricked’ the car after the battery had completely discharged.

  10. here’s an article (there are many) about EV energy losses …

    a bit more than 8%, Brad … seems you need optimal conditions (enclosed environment, 70 degrees, 240v) to even reach the numbers the manufacturers are throwing out … & ‘fast charging (the new hot-lick) degrades batteries even faster … guess that’s why they call it ‘fast’ charging

  11. I heard you can make a perpetual motion machine out of a cat and a piece of buttered toast. Cats always land on their feet, and buttered toast always lands on the buttered side, so you strap a piece of buttered toast, butter side up, to the back of a cat and toss the cat in the air. The cat will spin in space forever. Then you just have to put some wires, and stuff, on the like, the cat, you know, and make a cat generator.

    And when the cat, or, like the butter gets tired, we can jut use batteries from the store.

  12. No sympathy for gullible fools who wasted money on extremely inefficient EVs so they could earn bragging rights from insecure, highly emotional, and clueless environmentalists. There are millions of papers exposing the fraud of EVs. They chose to ignore the evidence. They deserve to pay the price.


    You need to add that number to my 8%. And it turns out my 8% is actually about 12 %. 12% is the average energy loss just charging a battery. Then the batteries themselves are any where form 70 to 40% efficient. The idiot that proposed this lame ass idea is just trying to make EVs seem f some sort of value. They’re not.
    On a side note I parked next to one of those Rivian electric trucks the other day. The license plate, was a hyphenated “Diversity”. What a fing moron. Those things don’t even come with a tow hitch. I felt like parking the front tire of my Duramax on top of the little bitch. LOL

  14. I remember an article that did an analysis of battery storage for sake of making the grid green. It was a thought experiment to visualize how much battery power we need to build for this to work (no sun at night and wind not blowing). If we took ALL the rechargeable sources of power that exist and somehow connected it all to the grid and powered down all power plants to have the grid live on nothing but battery, it would last….. all of 2.8 seconds before all batteries were dead.

  15. This “idea” reminds me of this quote
    “Daylight saving time: Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”
    The power grid is already compromised, now you want us to depend on it to charge batteries so that we can use those batteries for power?
    I’m a blonde and I can see the problem with this!


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