California Proposes Law Limiting Police Use of Deadly Force – IOTW Report

California Proposes Law Limiting Police Use of Deadly Force

I’m not sure what this law is supposed to do. It sounds like the police will be subjected to murder charges if they make a split second decision and they are wrong.

If a perp is running and turns toward police with a shiny black object in their hand and the police kill that perp, if the object ends up being a toy the police are up schitz creek.

This is a stupid law, a law designed to dissuade people from being a police officer. I wouldn’t do it. I would have to be shot at, and miraculously live, in order to shoot back without worrying if I will be up on charges.

Absolute stupidity from the left.



18 Comments on California Proposes Law Limiting Police Use of Deadly Force

  1. Black racism is deadly. The goal is to protect black criminals, because blacks commit the most crimes as statistics prove. South Africa is proof that black power deciding laws is ultimately destructive of civil society and dangerous and deadly to whites. California is the state most nearly evolved into a projected Communist government. Sen. Joe McCarthy was ridiculed and smeared for his anti-Communist efforts, but that is because he was right.

  2. seems a lot like the same ROE as our military was hamstrung with during obamas rein ?

    that’s not the kind of laws you pass if you really want to win against criminals.

    with the coming chaos they will have a chance to take advantage of their rule: never let a crisis go to waste.

    they are purposefully trying to get middle America to react violently to their rule.


    Maybe the days of “shoot now, investigate myself later” is finally coming to a close.

    The police state may actually have to be accountable. And DON’T FEEL SORRY for these people. They are attracted to this profession not out of altruism, but because FAR too many like to bully people and get away with it.

    Don’t like it, QUIT! Then citizens can finally go back and exercise their right to defend themselves with the 2nd Amendment.

  4. The foundation of the Sullivan Laws (gun control in NYC) was to protect the thugs who preyed on those who worked the waterfront – and shared the booty with the City “Fathers.” This appears to be a further effort to instill chaos and disorder.

    From chaos arises … what?
    From lawlessness comes … what?

    Simply: a demand from the citizenry for a heavier hand in Law.
    A demand for “order.”

    Eventually, if the State abrogates its responsibilities, the citizens will form their own “Free” Corps (or militias) and enforce the laws, themselves. This simple act of self-preservation on the behalf of civilians will spark a repressive reaction (quite predictably) from both those who profit from the State’s position, and those who are using subterfuge within the State.

    Seem convoluted?
    Been done. Successfully.

    California’s slippery-slope just got a little more slippery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Ha ha ha! The only way this is a “Thank God” event is it will make it nigh impossible to do police work and police will quit in droves letting the stupid weed themselves out. These moron politicians will learn a tough lesson.

    What police haters fail at is realizing the police are created and sustained and answerable to the populace. They aren’t some outside entity forcing their will over people they have no connection to. They can be fired in toto, if the citizen’s want, even given suicidal parameters to work within – like this.

    Sometimes, you’re a real dumbass, Half Assed Patriot now going under Mithrandir. At least Larry the Liberal is intentional dumbassery for our entertainment. Your police hate is very juvenile and shallow.

  6. No law needed. If a cop tells you to ‘freeze’, stop whatever you’re doing and do as he says. In 5 minutes it’ll be all figured out. If you’re doing criminal things, you’re busted and placed in the back of a squad car. If you ‘dindonuffin’, you’ll get to move on.
    Pull a gun or anything that looks like it could be a gun, meet your maker.
    Just too simple for the average politician to understand.

  7. I’ll tell you what happened in
    Baltimore. Cops who could retire
    did so. Cops who could leave left.
    Cops with too much time in stayed
    and did “drive by” policing. The
    25% drop in experienced cops has
    been filled by a bunch of 2nd stringers who their teachers say
    don’t understand their Constitutional
    limits and can’t pass the test on it.
    That means every criminal lawyer will
    use that fact to challenge the constitutionality of EVERY arrest
    where one of these dunces is present.


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