California Residents Calling 911 to Report Coughing Neighbors – IOTW Report

California Residents Calling 911 to Report Coughing Neighbors

The fraudstream media has caused mass hysteria over the Coronavirus.

This comment made me laugh:

ricocat1 • 2 hours ago

Stay calm. WUHAN flu is CHINESE and nothing from China lasts very long.


13 Comments on California Residents Calling 911 to Report Coughing Neighbors

  1. Was reading on FB that in Tulsa, OK where a very ignorant Republican mayor ordered the closing of all restaurants that don’t have a drive-thru, he’s not even allowing pick up orders, bars also shut down. He also ordered no gatherings over 10. I guess neighbors there are also taking it seriously because a man wrote on FB that he had a dinner at his home with family and friends, 16 total people including children. He received a knock on the door by police saying a neighbor reported several cars and believed there to be a party. He said they were not playing loud music or any music at all, the kids were all playing in the play room and the adults were sitting around talking after dinner. He informed the police of that and also asked if the police were really going to tell him he couldn’t have visitors after he was asked how many were inside the home, that this was still America. They backed off, but said they would have to receive clarification tomorrow if the 10 included private residences.
    I guess their mayor also said any business who refused his order would lose their business license.

    I’m starting to wait for either the zombies or black cars to arrive.

  2. Possible signs for the Coronavirus outbreak:

    For your car:

    “Coronavirus Onboard!”

    “Sometimes I Brake For Dead People”

    For your front door:

    “Uninfected Enter At Own Risk”

    “Come on in! The ‘QUARANTINED’ sign is just a joke.”

    “The last person who entered here died.”

    “Coughing is my 1st Amendment’s freedom of expression! The pistol pointed at your head is my 2nd Amendment feeling jealous.”

  3. Because when I talk to people who are having a hard time during all of this, I get pissed and the past few days I’ve been getting pissed a lot, I have to cool off and I do that by finding all the humor I can find about this crazy shit.
    This video is another one of those someone shared on FB that had me laughing my ass off. Go to around :45 spot and watch what these people did to their kids and themselves.

  4. @MJA, I know right.
    Maybe one can live outside in the shed. lol

    I just checked Oklahoma has 17 confirmed cases and only 3 in Tulsa county(don’t know if all 3 are in the city of Tulsa)and no deaths. The 3 in Tulsa county were travel related.

    I wonder how long it will be before more than 10 are storming the mayor’s office?


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