California School District Pushes ‘Systemic Racism’ Agenda After A Rope Swing Was Mistaken For A Noose – IOTW Report

California School District Pushes ‘Systemic Racism’ Agenda After A Rope Swing Was Mistaken For A Noose


A California school district announced that what “appeared to be a noose” was found hanging from a tree in front of home within the district. Local police concluded it was not a noose, but a rope swing for children. The school district swiftly responded, not by closing the investigation and moving on from the non-incident, but by instead imposing race education and “anti-racism” goals on students and staff.

The principals, assistant principals, and superintendents from both high schools in Piedmont Unified School District in Piedmont, California sent a message to parents, students, and staff in mid-September notifying them that although the intent of local rope swing was “innocuous,” the district would be discussing “systemic racism” and “identity privilege.” more

13 Comments on California School District Pushes ‘Systemic Racism’ Agenda After A Rope Swing Was Mistaken For A Noose

  1. And no more golf courses named Hangman Creek (Qualchan) Golf Course either. Back in the 1850’s when Eastern Washington was just part of Wash. territory evidently some Indians were hung down there in that area by the US Cavalry during an Indian uprising of the Spokane Indians and ever since the area has been known as Hangman Creek, the creeks real name is Latah Creek.

  2. Did any of these idiots ever watch television westerns in the 1950s and 1960s?
    The typical lunching was a group of townspeople getting drunk and coming to hang someone arrested and in the town jail. Another alternative was when the hero, e.g., Lucas McCain (The Rifleman) is threatened with lynching because he was accused of stealing a horse.
    Race had nothing to do with it.
    The lynching was bad, but building a gallows in the center of town and having a trial at the local saloon with those same townspeople serving as jurors was okay.
    Seriously, what the hell is going on with these idiots?

  3. Thanks to the popularity of critical race theory, I don’t think I can ever fully trust a 99% of US born Black American again, ever. Most all of them seem to be infected by this entitlement bullshit to one degree or another. Even Senator Tim Scott was drinking the “white supremacist” Kool-aid this morning. Un-fucking-believable.

  4. Not surprising given the school system nationwide has a history of seeing real firearms made from a slice of pizza or a pointed index finger with a raised thumb or a bit of ink scribbled on paper, and suspended the students for having a firearm on school property..

  5. TheMule – Don’t care much for Tim Scott or Nikki Haley. They’re elites, until victim dinner bell is rung, then they start drooling. I’m actually hoping he loses his seat. He’s going to be a John McCain soon.

  6. The bruthuhs and sistahs alway lookin fo to be offended, yo. As be dey enablers, the Haters from the White Guilt Brigade. AKA the Fake News “Media” and the Dimwitrat Party.

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