California: Singer-songwriter Meredith Brooks Rips Mayor Garcetti- All My Artist Friends in LA Bought Guns – IOTW Report

California: Singer-songwriter Meredith Brooks Rips Mayor Garcetti- All My Artist Friends in LA Bought Guns

Breitbart: Singer-songwriter Meredith Brooks is calling out Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for the city’s permissive attitude toward crime, saying that it has forced her friends to buy guns to protect themselves and has caused residents to flee the city.

Her criticism comes as L.A. is still reeling from the widespread looting stemming from violent rioting during the past week. The city’s tense situation was made worse by Mayor Garcetti’s plan to slash the LAPD budget by as much as $150 million. The mayor also called LAPD officers “killers” at a recent meeting with local black leaders.

Meredith Brooks said in a tweet on Saturday that her artist friends living in the Hollywood Hills have had to buy guns to protect themselves from burglars.

“WOW GREAT!! @LosAngelesMayor already removed the right to call 911 on a home break in unless you’re life is threatened! Ha! All my artist friends in the hills bought guns to protect themselves.Then we sold our houses! We’ve had it with #tweekers stealing our shit Good Luck  @LA.” more here

19 Comments on California: Singer-songwriter Meredith Brooks Rips Mayor Garcetti- All My Artist Friends in LA Bought Guns

  1. Lets face it, voting is a pain in the ass if you take it seriously. You have to research the candidates and DIG for the truth that isn’t easily discovered thanks to all the lies and distortions thrown out there. After digging then you have to hope you got it right.
    Most voters don’t devote the time and effort to
    make that commitment for any number of reasons and excuses.
    The present leadership in these cities is the result.
    Voting really isn’t that hard when compared to the efforts it’ll take to get these slimy criminals back out of office.

  2. Oh you poor dears having to mess around with those yucky yucky rights instead of attending another cocktail party surrounded by your armed security details. Funny how they weren’t whining 2 weeks ago…

  3. @ gin blossom
    Add in the fact that voting (at least Republican) is typically a vote for the lesser of 2 evils. That’s really painful and discouraging

  4. Organize.
    Don’t just defend yourself, defend your community.

    Apparently she and her friends didn’t care (or weren’t aware) until their shit got stolen – as long as the thieves burgled middle-income people it was OK.

    Sad. But that’s the way a lot of us are.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I certainly hope her friends got some training along with those guns. When someone has reached adulthood (sometimes even late adulthood) and suddenly buys a gun or motorcycle, someone can often get hurt. Training goes a long way and practical practice even further.

  6. “What’s the odds she voted for Garcetti”

    Chances are she didn’t vote at all.
    I don’t know her politics, but I know that when I lived in LA,
    I was voting for practice. My vote never mattered and I was told as such.

  7. Here is the Reader’s Digest version:

    Her friends, like her, are low IQ pieces of shit who have to personally experience their own ox being gored before they can comprehend or appreciate the concerns of others. They are self absorbed pieces of shit, they are what they are.

  8. They’ll all simply move to someplace else and start doing the same stupid shit that turned their previous communities into shit-holes. They won’t have learned a God-damn thing.

  9. I liked it a WHOLE LOT better when the left all hated guns. It would have been easier to clear the streets of unarmed anarchists. And now, because of these assholes, guns and ammo prices have skyrocketed.


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