California: Starbucks Holds Hiring Event for Refugees in San Diego, TB Rates Among Highest in Country – IOTW Report

California: Starbucks Holds Hiring Event for Refugees in San Diego, TB Rates Among Highest in Country

California, like most states, requires TB testing for health care workers. Employees of restaurants are not required by California law to be tested for TB prior to hiring.


 Story Here

SNIP: I call complete BS!  How many showed up for the ‘event’ and how many will they actually hire ?
And if this ‘refugee’ business was so important to Starbucks, why didn’t they just start hiring ‘refugees’ when they first started showing up back in 2010 without all this fanfare?

TB is ever present now and none of these people need a doctor’s note to work in the restaurant business.  But Starbucks and Chipotle, as an example, want to play chicken with the public’s health.
Are these people  trying to become Target? Because this is how you become Target.

20 Comments on California: Starbucks Holds Hiring Event for Refugees in San Diego, TB Rates Among Highest in Country

  1. A single step PPD test isn’t that valuable. A two step PPD should be done, and that takes several weeks, due to the time required between the steps. Unless the 2 step is done, TB can sneek by. Probably latent, but who knows? If innoculation was done for TB (not done in US, but is in other countries), a false positive will probably result. Testing should be done. Just ask typhoid Mary.
    And by the same token, border crossers should have the 2 step test done, but the chances of them reappearing later is sort of non-existent. There’s a lot of ‘stuff’ wandering around our country, and we don’t know what or how much it is.
    Bring back Ellis Island.

  2. Judging by the local McDonald’s they started doing this sometime ago. The need to bus them in from a ways. Anyway I stopped my egga muffin habit sometime ago for just that reason.

  3. 🌮 Hepatitis 🌮

    It reminds me of a college campus that has LOTS of homosexuals, and the campus TACO BELL had repeated outbreaks of hepatitis.

    1st it was “homophobia” to blame the gay community for its high rates of hepatitis, stemming from all the fecal matter from buttsex.

    2nd it turned out to be a Taco Bell worker, who was LIKELY GAY, but certainly not provable. (wink wink, he was gay)

    *Doctors have CONSTANTLY demanded that gay men be vaccinated for hepatitis whether they currently have it or not, since it is so prevalent and re-occurring in gay communes.

  4. mmm, KenH, I applied for a 2nd job at a restaurant back in the early 2000s in LA. The application had nothing to say on it about a TB test or hepatitis. But it was ‘preferred’ and ‘a plus’ for the applicant to speak Spanish fluently dontcha know.

  5. Am I the only one in this lot who has never set foot in California? (OK, well, I went through LAX once, but I never left the airport, just went through customs and then flew through some hallway with big glass walls trying to make it to my connecting flight to get home.)

  6. Brad, I’ve long heard there actually is a lot of beauty to be seen in California, and it irks me to no end that the only time I was within the borders all I saw were swarms of humanity cramming in a giant room and a blur as I ran to what seemed like the other side of the airport.

    Would love to see the Pacific Coast Highway.

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