California: Tesla Sues Alameda County In Virus Factory Closure Fight, Threatens To Leave – IOTW Report

California: Tesla Sues Alameda County In Virus Factory Closure Fight, Threatens To Leave

(Reuters) – Tesla Inc <TSLA.O> sued local authorities in California on Saturday as the electric carmaker pushed to re-open its factory there and Chief Executive Elon Musk threatened to move Tesla’s headquarters and future programs from the state to Texas or Nevada.

Musk has been pushing to re-open Tesla’s Fremont, California, factory after Alameda County’s health department said the carmaker must not reopen because local lockdown measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus remain in effect.

In a blog post on Saturday, Tesla said the county’s position left it no choice but to take legal action to ensure Tesla and its employees can go back to work.

The company said it had worked out a thorough return-to-work plan that includes online video training for personnel, work zone partition areas, temperature screening, requirements to wear protective equipment and rigorous cleaning and disinfecting protocols. read more

11 Comments on California: Tesla Sues Alameda County In Virus Factory Closure Fight, Threatens To Leave

  1. Imagine that, someone from among the people suing the government for freedom.

    What was it we used to say in ancient times?

    “Power to the people!”, or something like that?

  2. I always love to see the Dems in CA sued, but Musk is just another garden variety self important guy who would use his money to be king. I don’t have any sympathy for Elan Musk.

  3. I hate Musk, but he’s been right fighting the authority.

    Sadly, it seems we’re all going to have to sue to get our rights back. Illinois state rep Darren Bailey sued Gov. JB “toilet boy” Pritzker for exceeding his authority and won. He’s the only Illinoisan who doesn’t have to adhere to draconian lockdowns in the state. Well, with the exception of JB’s wife who can freely travel non-essentially and fisheye Lori Lightfoot who can get her hair did, and JB himself that has yet to follow his own social distancing guidelines. The case was supposed to set a precedence for everyone in the state, yet at this time everyone still remains on lockdown. His case proves that everyone is required to sue to win their rights. Ridiculous.

    I’ve been going to various places of business (outside of grocery shopping) without a mask and have yet to be kicked out or looked down on. All the employees wear a mask and most of them constantly touch it, pulling it down, touching their face, touching everything else. #MasksMakeItWorse. My son started work again last week making sub sammiches for a little shop and he doesn’t wear a mask, only food prep gloves that he has always worn. He said it’s surprisingly busy with phone in orders and walk-ins for take out.

  4. His great self landing rocket bullshit:

    Design a rocket that will go up to space and then self land on the pad & be re-usable.

    1) payload is much smaller than normal due to rocket needing enough fuel (weight) to re-enter, decelerate, & land.

    2) rocket needs to be rebuilt every time.

    3) been there and done that (space shuttle)

    4) how much gov’t money does he get in total between all of his companies including tesla and free/subsidized infrastructure.

  5. Kcir – China is asshole

    Wow dude, you’re missing the value of that kind of technology big. Number 1, NASA couldn’t get it done. Number 2, It will be invaluable in the future.

  6. Getting organized, it’s going to be difficult. Silicon valley owns the patent on free speech. What are we going to do, get organized through a letter campaign? We need a Facebook type of platform that is not controlled by the leftists in Silicon Valley. Our government if faced with a unified uprising would do the exact same thing that China does, they would shut down the Internet in a mad Max second.

  7. Bad_Brad

    With respect to all,

    A professor in the UK pointed out that the fuel required to power the rocket down softly reduces the delivery payload to space. source: Youtube: Sargon of Akkad, The Thinkery, real name: Carl Benjamin – scientist Uk England.


    The time and cost to refurbish the primary boosters are not worth it. We live in a disposable age (I hate this fact)

    In regards to NASA, The space shuttle was re-usable and extremely inefficient (turn around time) as are the NASA Gov’t salaries and severe admin costs.

    The amount of systems in the shuttle dedicated to life support and human cargo/food is huge. Imagine what it could lift and deliver if it was an unmanned drone. [like Elon’s system]

    Elon’s Hyper loop in a vacuum is another pipe dream.

    Musk’s single biggest skill is to take $$$$ from investors & governments to fund his ideas. Every government in the world is spending money on electric car recharge stations while sticking the bill up our asses. I have never seen an electricity bill ever go down in my short life, but off we go giving tax breaks on $125,000 Teslas.

    I hate Mike Moore, but “Planet of the Humans” is free on youtube. Everyone should watch it. There is a section that talks about Elon’s zero carbon, renewable energy manufacturing facility. Hint: He sucks power from the grid like Monika under a desk.

    Anything the Greens get involved in is pure horse shit and they seem to love Elon & Tesla.

    Be safe all. I respect everyone’s opinion on this site.

    Elon is as shyster.

  8. Kcir

    Probably all true, but it’s cooler than hell. Plus when your great great Grandson, Kcir Jetson, vetically lands his propulsion unit in his driveway, Elon did that.

    Seriously there is a function those people are missing. What if we want to eventually develop a shuttle that can land and take off. Be real handy for bringing things back. This is a large step in that direction. Just my thoughts.


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