California: The City Of L.A. Could Soon Remove Vagrants From High-Risk Fire Zones – IOTW Report

California: The City Of L.A. Could Soon Remove Vagrants From High-Risk Fire Zones


A step in the right direction…

On Wednesday, a Los Angeles City Council committee passed a draft ordinance that could potentially give law enforcement the right to kick vagrants out of high-risk fire areas.

“Once the ordinance is adopted … law enforcement will be able to give direct notice to individuals living in fire danger zones that they must move,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said last week at a news conference in Van Nuys. “That means that on these hot, red-flag days that come up during the summertime and increasingly year-round, we can now take a major step toward reducing the likelihood of encampment fires like we saw in 2017 with the Skirball Fire and last month in the Sepulveda Basin.” read more

14 Comments on California: The City Of L.A. Could Soon Remove Vagrants From High-Risk Fire Zones

  1. And since there are vagrants everywhere, the whole city is a fire risk.

    Where are they going to send them? San Francisco? San Diego? How about an encampment out in the Mohave Desert? Nothing to burn out there except bodies.

  2. I’m with Anon 2:20PM
    Keep the vagrants in place, maybe put some fencing in place to “mark their territory” (wink wink), let the fire(s) happen.

  3. What’s the definition of
    ” high risk fire zones ”
    and why do the smellocrats
    want to remove the urban proletariat
    that they have created and encouraged ?

    And where will the homeless the so
    compassionately care about be
    displaced to ?

    Time to callout the smellocratic party
    for what it is

    If they ever gave a damn about people
    they would be doing something for them.

    How come American blacks are still the
    majority of the disadvantaged poor ?

    Most especially that the smellocrats
    have been supposedly helping them ?

    When are those abused by the smellocrats
    going to realize that nearly every
    smellocrat program was instituted
    to make sure that


    This is what the smellocrats
    have done for you.


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