California’s Anti-Doctor “Misinformation Law” Brings 1st Amendment Lawsuit – IOTW Report

California’s Anti-Doctor “Misinformation Law” Brings 1st Amendment Lawsuit


A group of doctors in California is suing far-left Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) over a law that gives the Medical Board of California the authority to sanction doctors who hold unpopular views on COVID-19.

California became the first state to regulate what doctors can say to their patients regarding COVID-19 after Governor Newsom recently signed Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt such censorship, New York Post reported. More

29 Comments on California’s Anti-Doctor “Misinformation Law” Brings 1st Amendment Lawsuit

  1. This bill is the epitome of audacity of dopes. Here’s the clowns that wrote this piece of shit. All these people come from low rent districts and are poorly educated. And we’re suppose to trust THEM over someone that has decided to specialize in medicine. They should have named this bill Big Pharma Welfare act. Stupidity is a dangerous thing. This bill will go down in flames and Gavin Useless once again shows what an idiot he is. Here’s who drafted it.

  2. At a bare minimum it ought be accompanied by a horsewhipping, then tarring and feathering and tied to a tree limb with a feather duster shoved up his ass and rubber glove stretched over the dirty motherfucker’s scalp.

  3. I don’t know if it’s one person using multiple names or if there are actually multiple jackasses out there taking shots at Brad. Whatever it is, your adolescent comments would be better received at Keep on taking your childish shots but Brad has good friends here. You’re pissing up a rope.

  4. joe6pak

    Whether it’s one individual or a few, if this is their idea of entertainment on a Sunday night they should just put a gun in their mouths and end it. Holy crap what pathetic lives. Try Netflix’s. Go find someone of the same sex and have sex with them. Try washing you privates so they don’t stink. There’s a plethora of things to do. Sorry, that means a lot.

  5. I’m stuck in CA. Newscum is absolutely an awful governor. Some CA residents believe everything they are told. No deep, free thinkers. Herds of sheep. CA is gone unless we vote all of them out of office. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.

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