California’s Drought Is Caused By Human-Hating Slow Growth Environwhackos – IOTW Report

California’s Drought Is Caused By Human-Hating Slow Growth Environwhackos

Yes, the environment is very important. But environwhackos are creating this water crisis tin order to fulfill their agenda – reducing the population.

ht/ sam s.

9 Comments on California’s Drought Is Caused By Human-Hating Slow Growth Environwhackos

  1. the coming el nino may be huge, but ca will retain very little from the opportunity

    a week into el nino and they will declare a flooding disaster

    after el nino, they will declare drought

    and the wheels on the bus go round and round

    but moonbeam is doing his part by not showering, remaining a smelly, drug-addled old hippie

  2. The solution is obvious – my neighbors and I are now “trans-species” individuals; in particular, we now wish to be identified as small, useless, endangered bait fish entitled to the full protection of California’s lunatic state Assembly. And we need water – plenty of water to bathe with, cook with, and indeed frolick in. It is our right as trans-species endangered bait fish.

    Suck it, liberals – you have already recognized that people can identify any way they want to and you must cater to our whims or we will march on Sacramento in our rainbow colored flipper suits and seek sanctions from the brain-dead justices of the 9th Circuit.

  3. So I read the article and I can tell the guy that wrote it ain’t all that bright. Yes we are short on water storage thanks to Freinds of The River but the primary reason we are in a drought is because we are not getting ANY FUCKING RAIN. As far as the assholes saying rain won’t help???? WTF? Shasta, one of our largest water sheds can fill to the top with a couple good storms. Yes ground waters low. Are politicians have their heads up their ass, and Mother Nature will make fools of them all.

  4. I’d say, let these idiots have their fun, but their failure to implement drought – resistant measures has grave ramifications for the rest of us.

    Produce prices are through the roof. I eat a mostly vegetarian diet and this trend is killing me. Last night I placed an online order of groceries meant to last 1-1/2 weeks. I am a single person with two cats. $236 including taxes, delivery fee, and tip for deliveryman. This is out of control. Is there no way to allow common sense to prevail in political matters?

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