California’s Gavin Newsom torched as red-hot hypocrite for calling Trump’s wall wasteful – IOTW Report

California’s Gavin Newsom torched as red-hot hypocrite for calling Trump’s wall wasteful

American Thinker:

California’s leftist governor, Gavin Newsom, got it in the teeth on Twitter after he tried to decry President Trump’s border wall as, of all things, government waste. 

And it didn’t end well for him.

He drew about 6,000 replies, virtually all of them negative, with a large number of them clearly from the locals. Here’s a whiff of it:

11 Comments on California’s Gavin Newsom torched as red-hot hypocrite for calling Trump’s wall wasteful

  1. I receive 2 newsfeed reports twice daily. One mentioned that besides a major TB outbreak and the typhoid fever, there were 137 cases of the Black Death plaque last week in the Los Angeles area. I assume it is confined to the homeless now, but could spread to people working in the downtown core. Only time will tell.

  2. Hey Newslut. Quit whoring yourself to the “Illegals”. Round them up & ship them back from where they came. All of the housing now vacant could be used to solve the homeless problem in your state with room left over. Most of these homeless people could actually find jobs again.

  3. Being in fly over country is it not true that he lets the “Homeless sleep at LAX!?

    Being an uneducated hick, could this perhaps spread the above mentioned diseases nationwide if not world wide!

    If one of your loved ones dies from the spread of diseases and it’s traceable to LAX will you send a thank you to Newsom?

  4. JUST LIKE ORWELL’S 1984….

    Today we spend like drunken sailors on our voters, give it to illegal immigrants, ignore our veterans and the homeless, tomorrow it is waste if our opposition spends money, that could have been used on our veterans and homeless!

    *Why fix a problem, when those props can be used over and over again?

  5. Anymouse – I had a connecting flight thru Lax once. I think it was via Terminal D.

    LAX is a greezy dump. I’ve flown out of better terminals that are in Third World Shitholes.

    I had hours to kill and thought I’d treat myself to a nice steak dinner. The “best” restaurant in the entire complex wouldn’t have measured up to a Sizzler that had been shut down by the health Dept

  6. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ JULY 28, 2019 AT 9:39 PM

    Can’t speak to the numbers of the disease, but the question on the sleepers at LAX came from an interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky on one of Scott Adams’ “periscopes” or was on Pinsky’s website itself. Don’t recall which for sure. He’s been preaching (Pinsky) on the disease thing for almost a year now.

  7. Newsom has that permanent look of someone who just had their wisdom teeth extracted. Listening to how much sense he makes he’s still adrift from the anesthetic.

  8. Dr. Drew: “Bubonic plague outbreak is likely.”
    Won Williams: “I don’t listen to what a talk show host says.”
    Greg had Dr. Drew on, he eviscerated Won, much to Greg’s amusement.
    Next, Won will petition to change the name from Black Plague, that’s racist.

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