California’s Jerry Brown Signs Law Requiring Women on Corporate Boards – IOTW Report

California’s Jerry Brown Signs Law Requiring Women on Corporate Boards

Breitbart CA: California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill Sunday that will require companies to meet quotas for the representation of women on corporate boards.

SB 826, authored by State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara), requires any “publicly held domestic or foreign corporation whose principal executive offices … are located in California” to place at least one female member on its board. By 2021, such corporations must have two female board members if they have five directors, and three if they have six.

Only a small percentage of corporations, however, have no female board members. The Wall Street Journal noted Monday: “Among firms in the Russell 3000 Index, which includes most public companies on major U.S. stock exchanges, 485, or 17%, had all-male boards in the second quarter.”

The bill’s approach mirrors that of South Africa’s “black economic empowerment” system, which sets guidelines for the percentage of black ownership of major companies in that country. Given the small pool of qualified black investors in that country, the system has been abused by a small, politically-connected elite who are “re-empowered” in company after company — often to the detriment of the outsiders whom the policy was originally intended to benefit.

The Journal noted two other problems: first, that the new law could be unconstitutional, since it discriminates against men; and second, that it is not clear that California has jurisdiction over board of companies officially incorporated in other states.

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33 Comments on California’s Jerry Brown Signs Law Requiring Women on Corporate Boards

  1. So, California is now saying that there is, in fact, a gender called “female” that is separate and distinct from another gender called “male”? Or can currently male members just sign a document claiming they identify as female and then just go about their business as before?

  2. Most publically held corporations are not California corporations. Even Google is a Delaware entity. So that just leaves the “principal executive office” standard, which is easy to change.

    The level of hubris in California state government is astounding, though. Jerry Brown knows that this law is unconstitutional (he himself referred to fatal flaws), yet signed it into law thereby mandating the inevitable legal challenges. These are the types of conceited morons who will continue to drive California into the ground.

  3. I’m guessing he doesn’t realize there are about two dozen more gender identities he didn’t address. The taxpayers will now pay for the countless law suits for discrimination, and corporations will move their corporate headquarters.

    Shooting themselves in the foot is a good analogy, but shooting themselves in the genitals is better.

  4. TOKEN.

    Job opportunity for token female.
    No requirements. No duties. No need to show up.
    The word “Token” will be added after your name to all correspondences.
    If you open your mouth you will be tolerated with an apparent sense of gravity; and then roundly ignored.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. But they are better and smarter than men right? That’s what we’ve been hearing for 40 years now. Only the patriarchy keeps them out of STEM, otherwise they would exceed males at that too. And arm-wrestling? Forget it. Women will beat you there too, nine times out of ten. They are superior in every way. Okay, fine. So why should the gov’t have to legislate their promotion if they’re SO MUCH SMARTER? Hmmmm,….confused.

  6. Next up……..“publicly held domestic or foreign corporation whose principal executive offices … are located in California” to place at least one black, disable, tranny member on its board in addition to at least one demented Armenian dwarf with a speech impediment”……

  7. Just add the required number of females to the board regardless of qualifications and make it plain they were hired because they have a vagina and let them be mere quota holders without any responsibilities.

    Such a blatantly sexist and fascist move deserves such a response. Tim above said it well. They will be mere tokens.

    The law demeans all women, like they cannot get on a board. Those that do will all be suspected of suboptimal performance.

  8. This kind of action is more proof his name, Brown, was selected to reflect a disagreeable smelly substance of the same color that is a more crude name for a mix of nonsense and lies.

  9. Cherry Brown says
    a woman on every corporate board.
    Well that’s easily done when this same
    Cherry Brown
    has granted the right to gender identify
    as one pleases.
    a frog could sit on a corporate board
    as a matter of right because
    the frog self-identifies as a woman !


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