Call for “Communities” Not To Prosecute Walmart Shoplifters – IOTW Report

Call for “Communities” Not To Prosecute Walmart Shoplifters

Everett Mitchell, Director of Community Relations for the University of Wisconsin Madison, believes that since the big box stores have insurance communities shouldn’t be charging shoplifters with any crimes.


Hard to believe a college graduate working for a major University could be this stupid.




38 Comments on Call for “Communities” Not To Prosecute Walmart Shoplifters

  1. Just the opposite. It is time for companies who have their stores looted and burned in “communities” to get some Trump Balls. They need to issue statements like, “We came to this “community” to serve the people and to provide jobs. But the people of this “community” turned out to be savage animals who robbed and burned us. We will not subject our employees to savagery. Therefore, we are pulling out of this “community” until they embrace civility. To those who’ll call us names because of this decision, respectfully, go @$#% yourselves.”
    That company would have me as a loyal shopper for life.

  2. This scumbags car has insurance. Find it and smash the Windows. His house has insurance, find it and burn it. His body has health insurance, even though I’m sure it wouldn’t be the first time, shove a waffle ball bat up his ass. If that makes him giggle and smile then bash his face with it.

  3. It kind of begs the question did they graduate him that stupid or did the college make him stupid, then promote him? Because the stupid is strong with this one.

    Stop prosecuting shoplifting in WalMart and Target and see how long those stores last in your community. And once they are gone, so are the jobs and the access for your community members to cheap goods.

    Here’s a novel idea? How about not shoplifting? How about stop being criminals and we could actually reduce police presence and get back to police helping people with directions and accidents instead of pursuing bad guys.

  4. College doesn’t make you smart.
    College doesn’t make you stupid.
    College makes you college educated.

    You are born either smart or stupid or somewhere in between.
    What you do with that is up to you.

    This is “The Coward’s Approach to Wealth Redistribution.”

  5. That happened at a Target in Southern CA. It started with people running off with Christmas trees and plants during the year. So they closed the garden dept. In the meantime, because it was so easy to steal outside, they stepped up the stealing inside. Then the cashiers got held up at gunpoint. Then they started mugging people in parking lots. Not too long after that, they closed Target. Then the dumbasses were wailing, “we have no where to shop *croc tears* Why are corporations so raycisssss!!!!” Which was funny, because there was a mixture of trash in that town in an entire rainbow of colors.

  6. Who ever hired Everett as Director of Community Relations was also not very bright.

    And this Everett idiot was former Dane County Assistant District Attorney too.

    With idiots running our Universities and High Schools, ( and idiots in their audience approving their stupid idea to encourage lawlessness) no wonder America has a population that elects and reelects the scum that hold the majority of public offices.

  7. Mrs. Mxyzptlk has a friend whose daughter finally got her PhD in Political Science Canadian Studies. They refinanced their house several times to finance this daughter’s schooling. They’re really proud of her. Oh, yeah, what can you do with a degree like that, especially since you don’t live in Canada? Apparently it’s a good enough degree to get a job stocking the salad bar at the neighborhood Kroger store.

  8. OK fine.

    Here is how that works: Government only has a LEGITIMATE monopoly on law enforcement so long as laws are just and they are enforced.

    Once that contract has been broken by government then there exists no such concept as vigilantism that is outside the law.

    Walmart would at that point get to legitimately decide on punishment and government would not have a legitimate say in what they decided.

  9. For the record, Walmart doesn’t lose a penny to shoplifters. The loss (shrinkage) comes out of the employee bonus pool. Since employees are your biggest loss and it makes every employee a loss prevention person.

  10. TANSTAAFL There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

    Filthy savages shoplift. Insurance covers it. Insurance company raises premiums. Store – IN ORDER TO NOT GO BANKRUPT – raises prices.

    How is this so hard to understand? Oh yeah, thats right. You’re a STUPID leftist progressive fascist communist socialist ASSHOLE.

  11. We don’t have a race problem,
    We have a scumbag culture problem.

    Thank you sooo much mr. marx! purveyor of envy, jealousy and covetousness!

    I mean democrats

  12. This is Cloward and Piven strategy to put us on the road to Communism. Yet every time I cite democrats being Communist
    they retort “you don’t even know what Communism is”.
    Back on the job site if anyone asked where something was, all the jerks there would reply “if it was up your ass you’d know where it is”
    I think it’s high time we shoved this commie crap right up their ass.
    You know so they can find it, see it and be it.

  13. People who are gleefully militant and happy to be on the receiving end when the govt uses its power to take money from somebody else to “redistribute” sure as hell aren’t “Anarcho-” anything. Most morons who call themselves anarchists want more than anything to be in power themselves to make other people do as they order. That is not anarchy, Boyd, that’s just authoritarianism with different rulers and rules. Phooey.

  14. The Call for “Communities” To Not Prosecute Walmart Shoplifters” Will Apply To:
    • Hair Extensions Theft
    • Stolen Colostomy Bag Meat
    • Blunt Making Paraphanelia
    • Liquor
    • Flatscreen TVs
    • Lottery Tickets
    • Illegal Aliens / Those Engaged In Acts of Love
    • Looters, Arsonists, or Shooters

    * Exempt Are Those Officially Given Room To Destroy

  15. “Legalize thievery and let the insurance companies pay for the losses.”

    If that’s the case, enjoy not having any stores in your “community” you insufferably stupid fucktards from Hell. Where do these fucking morons come from?!!!… Jesus Christ.

  16. I’m from Canada and even I think that girl needs to stop using the pixie dust and unicorn horn powder. I wonder when the reality will set in for the family and I hope it’s not too painful.

  17. Apparently some other aspects of his higher education didn’t stick either. “all them other places, them big box stores” is subjective, not objective and needs to have the word “those” in place of “them” but then he may have actually said “dem”. My high school English teacher would have whupped his ass good!

  18. I once rented a house from an engineering professor who couldn’t figure out how to use a pair of channel-locks when the sink got stopped up.

    You’d think they could cut the price of tuition with idiots like this in teaching positions.

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