Call of Duty – IOTW Report

Call of Duty

Here’s a utility worker who doesn’t kick the can down the road to the next guy- he takes action.

23 year-old Jimmie Cox showed up for a service call and saw a one inch pipe spewing water all over a frantic woman’s property. He knew what he had to do. Most wouldn’t, he did.

He took the plunge, head first, to try and crimp the pipe. He couldn’t.

So he cut the pipe and put a valve on it, all in the dark, holding his breath.

Jimmie has lost his voice. I wonder what sort of microbe he might’ve swallowed.

Story with video HERE.


24 Comments on Call of Duty

  1. Sorry but Little Jimmie Cox is a dumbass. There is always a main valve on the street or edge of the property. And no, they are never locked unless you didn’t pay your water bill.

  2. Guys a moron. There are procedures when this happens. There are special ‘diving’
    suits for this purpose. He could easily die. Like sticking your head in a septic tank.
    This is not how it’s done.

  3. Grade A foolishness. Yes, I respect the guy’s willingness to just get it done, but there are good reasons not to do it this way. Considerable risk of drowning, infection, unknown proximity to power lines or other utilities.

    No, get your bearings, find the street valve and your Zurn key or equivalent.

    Ages ago, I was an EMT. Rule #1: Don’t make yourself patient #2.

  4. Maybe he had already turned the water off. I don’t see any bubbles. He probably didn’t want to wait for all the water to be sucked out of the hole.

    The young are impatient:)

  5. RADIO Man, Highly unlikely that it’s pvc.

    Being that deep and spraying constantly, it’s a supply line and pvc is not preferred for that.

    I have an awesome plumber that lives on my block!

    I asked my plumber to move my front yard spigot from under the bushes by the house to a box in the ground in front of the bushes. When it was sticking up from the ground it was always at risk of freezing in Winter and did get bent every other year from the hose pulling on it.

    Without me asking – he put a shut-off valve on the house side of the new spigot. Now I can shut the house off without going to the meter and still have water running from that spigot if needed.

  6. Unless you desperate to save a life, this is a stupid and dangerous thing to do. He’s lucky the soil around him didn’t cave in on him. Use the street key to shut off the supply, get a pump to dewater the hole.

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