Call To Action – IOTW Report

Call To Action

A quick note, because I’m pressed for time today—

This is for Republicans, Democrats, etc...
Get a hold of your Secretaries of State, county elections or board of elections office and ask them why they are still using voting machines and tabulators.

You can show them any article or video you find about election fraud and vote fraud and ask why they are still being used.

Talk to your candidates.
If your state or federal candidate does not want the machines removed, ask them why.
IMHO, There are only two reasons they will say NO.
1. They were promised or guaranteed a future win.
2. They “won” the last election but are afraid or know they didn’t win.

Please stop arguing about my guy vs your guy in 2024. That solves nothing and you are wasting valuable time. True elections are not happening until the machines are gone.


Edit: No more comments. Sink or swim, bitches. lol

13 Comments on Call To Action

  1. Go back to paper
    Add an eductional element
    Basic Math Counting
    Start with Papers and Pens
    Count the pieces of paper.

    You can make it a win/win and have the children do it in groups. And they can double check each other as often as needed.

    Fresh Starts

  2. I would prefer to show them concrete proof.
    I have yet to see concrete proof.
    If we have it then let’s use it, not some random article about Arizona or Florida that proves nothing.
    Either way, there is too little time to resolve this by removing machines before the 2024 election.
    We need to focus on harvesting ballots and cheating in any way possible.
    The rules of engagement are set.

  3. Why should any Democrat feel compelled to contact anyone about changing a system that clearly works in their favor?

    Mail-in ballotting is here to stay, no way around that. So now we have to emulate the Democrats by developing our own harvesting and vote-by-mail turnout strategies. Given the sophistication of their apparatus, parachuting into decisive battlegrounds to scare up enough votes among ignorant and unmotivated citizens to overcome the natural enthusiasm of informed and self-motivated voters, this is going to be difficult.

  4. Ha, that’s like asking congress to pass term limits, a reduction in salary, perks and ethics enforcement.
    Not Gonna Happen.

    Still haven’t seen the findings on Congressional sexual harassment cases that were settled with taxpayer money.
    Why do taxpayers pay for the individual’s illegal actions?
    Public Records should be released to the public !!!

    The establishment elite are above the law and the taxpayers foot the bill.

  5. This is a nice idea, but unfortunately if you live in a state with a democrat Secretary of State, he or she most likely cheated to gain their office and/or will cheat to hold their office, so they will do nothing to stop the next steal.

  6. I’m gonna go full ‘Brad’ on this….Call to Action is going to require a Lexington/Concord moment with some timely hangings televised from the public square….The idiots have made voting easy and lazy. Voting should take time and effort where you have to show up pull the lever on the ONE day that voting is open. Absentee votes need to be well earned as well with special care afforded the military….

    C’mon back Brad. Just settle down for a minute or two…

    P.S. The Arizona governors race and crappy votes should have lit the candle….

  7. Did you know there are teams of people in meetings with election committees all across America? They do a lot of hard work. They have gotten some of counties to remove machines and tabulators.

    I have posted stuff about how they proved it, the affidavits (some affidavits were from people who ran election fraud domestically and overseas), the lawsuits, Halderman, Albert Sensors, the way they tossed out ballots illegaly before they could be hand counted, etc… And there’s more.

    You have to be interested enough to do some research for yourself and share that.

    This isn’t about congress. This is about your locals, your state.

    We are long passed the ballot harvesting stage.

    They have programs that will replace whatever ballots you brought in. Didn’t you see that in 2022? If you bring in 1000, the tabulators will count them and replace them with 1005 of theirs.

    You cannot beat the machines.

    People like Clay Parikh are doing the hard work, all you have to do is back them up and demand your town gets rid of machines.

    All the shit you’re seeing done today by the Biden admin can only be stopped by us, locally.

    Ignore everything and buy your MAGA hat, your DeSantis T shirt, slap a Bernie sticker on your car, and buy a Marianne crystal. It does nothing but make $$$$ for influencers.

    Have a nice evening.


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