Call To Prayer in Times Square – IOTW Report

Call To Prayer in Times Square

17 Comments on Call To Prayer in Times Square

  1. liberalism is the most dangerous cancer that we face, and our worthless rinos are no better, in some ways worse since they wear a republican mask

    make no mistake, they are here, and they will kill thousands of us, while the lying press continues the lone wolf / workplace violence mantra

    liberals don’t care if our kids are killed or maimed by illegals or the scourge of islam, it’s all about whatever they need to do for power and control over our lives

    trump has been the shining light, the only one who has had the gonads to call them out, to spotlight them as the corrupt, culpable, criminal co-conspirators in the plot to bring america down

    if we don’t bring ourselves out of this warming pot asap, the heat will sap us of any strength to save this once great country

  2. My parents were just complaining yesterday that there is a masjid in their tiny town in middle Georgia. There is one in ours, too, but we are closer to Atlanta. They are so concerned for the great grands, with good reason. When they were young they could never have imagined their country becoming the way it is today.

  3. Every year on 9/11 I play one of the historical dvd documentaries showing what happened. The bodies raining down that the fake news refuses to show to this day.
    Trump nailed it when he said the press is the enemy of the American people!

  4. In Paris the Muslims would show their power by calling for prayer on major intersections effectively blocking traffic and turning the city roads into chaos. They would do this in an organized fashion then claim it’s just coincidence that it happened all at once. I’m not sure they do that anymore but I wouldn’t be surprised to see that tactic in the US at one point or another.

  5. It would be interesting to see the reaction if one of the Times Square companies that owns the electronic billboards aired clips of the world trade center attack everyday for a month during the exact time of the midday Muslim call to prayer.

  6. And Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” Thank God that his term ended and we have a chance to save our country.

    God bless President Trump and God bless the USA.

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