Caller On Rush Makes a Point the Republicans Miss – Because the Republicans Aren’t MAKING ANY POINTS! – IOTW Report

Caller On Rush Makes a Point the Republicans Miss – Because the Republicans Aren’t MAKING ANY POINTS!

Again, Velma from Scooby Doo better have some sort of Perry Mason moments at the end of this inquiry, because she is not putting a pinhole in any of Ford’s story.

A caller on Rush points out something that Ford needs to be confronted with.

“How is it the boys were pin balling their way DOWN the stairs, but they didn’t do so going UP the stairs, allowing them to ambush her in front of the bedroom door”?

I want MORE of that.


22 Comments on Caller On Rush Makes a Point the Republicans Miss – Because the Republicans Aren’t MAKING ANY POINTS!

  1. This is not a court, this points are not relevant. It is a circus and is only meant to show brainless people that this woman has been heard. It is obvious the woman is lying and has only come forth to kill Kav. At The end of the day, only 4 Republicans have to be satisfied that their political life is intact and that they are promised adequate remuneration for their positive attitude. All that is important is that Kav presents himself in a noble firm manner, much like Thomas did.

  2. And how come these belligerently drunk boys, not in their own home, know how to turn on the stereo in the room they entered, turn it way up, no one downstairs where no one is listening to any music or TV is alerted to think wow that is strange the music is way up suddenly lets go investigate and then when she ‘escapes’ wasted boys politely turn the stereo down and leave. Load of crap.

  3. This is not a court>>>

    Yes it is.
    It’s the court of public opinion. And if Kavanaugh loses this “trial” he is toast.
    The senators will be hearing from the jurists, the public.

    Unfortunately Kavanaugh can’t appeal saying he had inadequate counsel, but it’s been very inadequate.

  4. “Sheila Jackson Lee slipping a fat envelope to Ford’s lawyer.”

    I was wondering just yesterday when this bad penny would turn up.

    And I can’t listen to Rush today, because the station which employs Erick Erickson is preemping Rush for full-on Brettfast Club coverage.

  5. New Moniker for Republican Potty…
    Ideally would be an Octopus,
    The biggest difference is the octopus has no spine,
    Just like the current batch of “republicans” in Congress,
    In making an escape the real one’s use black ink,
    The Republican model would use red ink for all their runaway spending,
    The Octopus has no external reproductive organs,
    Just like their counterparts in Congress,
    Perhaps eunuch could be added after Republican,
    Although that will be an oxymoron
    There really is no republican party, except for a few,
    They are Democrats in Disguise. [DiD]

  6. To Fur
    Strongly disagree. I just back from doing the groceries and missed a bit but, according to “Stealth Jeff,”…

    “Mitchell now confronting Ford with the fact all four people who’s names she provided as witnesses have denied her allegations of having been at this party or witnessed this assault.

    Mitchell is leading Ford into admitting the ‘BEST EVIDENCE’ she has to prove her alllegations of assault are the therpist notes she WON’T turn over to the committee but had no problem showing to reporters.”

    And that doesn’t include the lies/contradictions about not flying or the Senate offer to come out to California, her bizarre “corrections” or, as “Thomas Wictor” wrote:
    “Twitter is where people go to ritually express their indestructible fears. I watched Ford for exactly ten seconds. “Gone poorly” is an understatement. Her little-girl voice and mannerisms alone doomed her.”

  7. I think the Dems “make a very big point” [NOT in their favor] by objecting to Sen. Grassley entering into the record the sworn statements from all named witnesses by Ford denying any knowledge or memory of any of her allegations.

  8. Two masters and a PhD and she can’t figure out how to get something to the President or the judiciary committee?

    She ran down the stairs past all the people talking at the bottom, but nobody wondered why she was running out? What had happened? Where she was going? Her girlfriend (who she abandoned to rapist boys) didn’t check up on her the next day?

    Also, “contributed to her PTSD”? This woman is a walking victim and life is her abuser.

  9. She’s admitted she has no fear of flying. She can’t figure out who paid for the lie detector. She comes across as a total ditz, especially with her baby voice.

    This is a mess for her and the Demos. A lot of women, as opposed to womyn, are looking at this saying, “Who’s she trying to kid?”. If Grassley wanted her to hang herself, it would seem to be working.

  10. The Rush caller also asked why, if Kavanaugh was so intent on raping her, he left her alone in the bathroom without breaking in the door or at least jiggle the handle? He just want downstairs with Judge, running into walls?

    In my opinion, if he did what she said he did, there would be fibers of his clothing, his hair, his skin, his saliva on her. And she would have fiber under her own nails and from the bedding.
    Her fingerprints would be in the house, especially the bathroom and the doorknobs.

    Did anyone else think she seemed retarded on the stand? I don’t mean it in a mocking way, I’m asking if she seemed clinically retarded.
    Because if she’s not, she was high.

  11. Another good one, and this would appear a biggie.

    She was asked about her BFF, Leleand Keyser, and said she was out of her head with “health challenges”, so, of course, she didn’t remember the party because (are you ready?) it was “a unremarkable party. It wasn’t a ‘more notorious’ party” like Keyser usually went to.

  12. It looks like the Republicans left to destroying Ford’s “credible testimony” to Brett Kavanaugh himself. That calendar of his sure is coming in handy now. HOLY MAGA HE’S TEARING IT UP!

  13. The problem is, this isn’t about truth, or justice, or decency or what is good for the USA. This is another Salem Witch Trial mounted by those who loathe the USA and loathe decency, accomplished people and integrity.

    Load, lock and be ready…


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