Calling Doctor Freud… John Kasich on the line – IOTW Report

Calling Doctor Freud… John Kasich on the line

ht/ tom

26 Comments on Calling Doctor Freud… John Kasich on the line

  1. IVAN

    John had been a Bush Republican for 20 years. Still is. If you were lucky enough to miss GWB spend 7 min Bashing The American President a week ago – thank you lucky stars’ All bush folk hate Don; and have done so for 3 years. GWB did not hide his hate last week; he put his spite right out in the open!
    John is a Bush man!

  2. There’s a conspiracy theory out there that Mcshitstain was put to death by some higher level of justice that operates within our military. Even if true, I don’t think Kasich the retard would be privy.
    I had a good friends young son die from Glioblastoma. A horrible disease. The final two weeks of his life he was comatose. If you look up that disease, that’s typical. The last two to three weeks the victims are basically brain dead. So how the fuck was Mcshitstain cognitively slamming Trump right up until he was shot? I mean died. LOL
    Notice his casket was never opened. LOL. I’m not going there.

  3. delusions of grandeur among the mentally-challenged, severely incompetent tends to be truly comical
    John Kasich! …. Come On Down!!!!

    (apologies to the truly mentally-challenged)

  4. the dirtball
    Someone mind telling me how stupid bastards like Kasich manage to get elected in the first place?

    My opinion is it all starts with the party. Local, state and national party should be vetting these idiots wanting to run and holding them to the party platform. Next is Republican voters, not enough show up for the primaries and it appears the dumbest are the majority that show up. Then when the rest finally wake up it’s general election time and they’re left with vote for the rat or the rat want-a-be.
    That is why I thank God that our last national primaries turned out different.

    BTW in case you can’t tell the Republican party and voters really piss me off.

  5. There are at least 3 things that could suggest McCain was executed.
    1. The Flag was’nt properly raised in respect.
    3. Trump stayed far away from anything ceremonial.
    3. His Daughter anounced that John was no longer going to seek treatment for his Cancer, and the next day He’s Dead ? It does’nt work like that.

  6. I still can’t believe anyone took Kasich seriously, but a lot of people did. The guy is such a dullard I cringe at the thought of him being in the oval office. He’s a backward child. Yes, he is — he’s a very childish man. I bet his wife pins his mittens to the cuffs of his bulky parkas and irons a tape with his name on it to the inside of the collar. He probably pouts if his pb&j is cut diagonally. I bet he talks as he roots around in his mouth with a toothpick. And unconsciously belches in public.

  7. He was a team player when they balanced the budget in the Gingrich congress.
    And then like a crazy wild dog chasing after his father the Mailman, he won’t let go of your leg.
    Down John down. Stop. Heel.

  8. If McStain was executed by a secret government organization for his treasonous acts then I’m pissed the public wasn’t allowed in on it.
    Some people want to take the fun out of everything.

  9. Kasich is a reliable “dumb Republican” soundbite generator for the media. But his dad was a postman, so he has that going for him.

    And if the military took out McCain, they waited way too long.


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