To be able to be able to justify and sanctify your murders as righteous is symptomatic of a diseased and dangerous mind.
Not a mischaracterization, but an exaggeration, maybe? No, not really. It’s what he’s saying.
…apparently, a 77-year-old white man at a Dunkin’ Donuts called a black 27-year-old employee the N-word. After he said it again, the employee knocked him out, he fell, and died. Now Touré’s poll says that 71 percent of respondents say the employee is not guilty of murder because he was called the N-word first.
ht/ woody
Similar response, then.
Claiming I have white privilege is threatening MY life, then.
Nigger please…
This certainly explains why blacks are killing other blacks at such a high rate. They call each other that slur on a regular basis.
Hey Toure, do ya still owe $59,000 in back taxes nigga?!?!
‘Calling me the R (Racist)-word is threatening my life’: White Americans say the R-word is verbal violence and just might justify killing!
Fitting that you used a pic of an Italian pretending to be an American Indian, with a glycerine ‘tear’ on his cheek.
But for a white to shoot a black person who is ready to commit an assault is a hate crime.
Ok then mutha fucka watch yo back, I gonna be all ovah you like white on rice or salt on crackas you stupid tar heel.
What about blackie, alfalfa, porch monkey, or spear chucker?? Do polls now determine guilt??
You call me a Touré, I kill you.
Sorry. That’s my rule.
You fucked around and found out.
Manson longed for this day to come. And here it is, just waiting to unfold.
There is going to be blood, a lot of blood….
^^^^ But whose will it be?
You racist nigger! There, I said it!
You mean he was not an Indian! I have been lied to al these years.
I’ll just hang tight on the compound and watch from afar. Normal, thinking people would consider exiting population centers.
Yeah. It can be inconvenient at times, but that makes the compound inconvenient to the marxist racists as well.
Easier targets closer to town.
Sylvester Stewart said it best…
Sticks and stones Toure. You’re never to old to learn. A lesson taught to me as a toddler.
I love how everyone is running with a narrative that is basically the killer’s story. Is there actual proof the old guy called the scumbag a “nigger”? I’d wager it’s just as likely the staff ripped the old guy off, and when he complained, the scumbag got mad at the uppity white man and punched him out.
Cuz’ everybody knowz dat crackuhs owe reparations to dee black meng!
I think he said the Sheriff is a nigger… Time to shoot ole Dusty I guess.
What would Iron Eyes Cody do. Or Chief Dan George (think the Outlaw Josey Wales) or Graham Greene, my favorite funny Indian with an English name, he was hilarious as Edgar the Indian explosives expert on the Red Green show.
Imagine being so insecure that you can justify murder for name calling.
Dollars to donuts, dude was playing the knockout game.
See what I did there?
The point is the furthering of the Left’s narrative. BLM, reparations, white privilege, etc. The “debate”, such as shown here, is shifted to silly responses instead of insisting the perp get the max penalty under Florida law.
Then the Left will pursue this line, forever. Until, they simply claim someone said something and they kill you. Sort of like those cartoons of a famous prophet …
Funny that your illustration is a picture of Iron Eyes Cody, an Italian American who made his career pretending to be an Indian.
Considering what he said, might as well practice preventative medicine. For our health, of course.
They’re really egging on the crazies to kill us because we’re white. Be careful.
So….Black Fragility?
Aunt Ester is in big trouble.