Calls For Ethics Violation Investigation Against Cortez For Threatening Private Citizen Trump Jr. – IOTW Report

Calls For Ethics Violation Investigation Against Cortez For Threatening Private Citizen Trump Jr.

Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist, is leading the charge, citing a congressional ethics code that Cortez undeniably violated.


19 Comments on Calls For Ethics Violation Investigation Against Cortez For Threatening Private Citizen Trump Jr.

  1. problem is …. she’s not yet a member of Congress

    … I mean, she could slip on a banana peel, or a safe may drop on her, or she could visit Ft. Marcy Park …. just a thought ….

  2. You do have to give the Dems credit. More people are afraid of what they can do with slightly more than one-half of one house of Congress than they were of Republicans holding BOTH houses AND the PRESIDENCY…

  3. “But she’s a Democrat.”

    I like bitch slapping Democrats any time I get a chance and I’ve run into this revisionist history more than once. Laugh my ass off every time. Goes something like this.
    “The Democrats are the founders of the KKK”
    Revisionist history Libtards
    “Well, shortly after the KKK was formed, the Republican party and the Democrats switched names”
    This shit is prolific. And they believe it.

  4. “Well, shortly after the KKK was formed, the Republican party and the Democrats switched names”
    Truly prolific!
    Like trying to reason with a face-clad anti-fa.
    I totally agree with your method, “bitch slapping Democrats”, ‘cept like Bill Clinton’s way of dealing with terrorists being criminals instead of being scum.


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