Calvin University About to End “Discrimination” Against LGBTQ+ People – IOTW Report

Calvin University About to End “Discrimination” Against LGBTQ+ People

Fox17 West Michigan — Nearly 3,000 people have signed on to a movement to end what current and former LGBTQ+ students at Calvin University say is discrimination against them based on their sexuality or gender identity.

Today, organizers delivered that petition to the provost.

This comes after one Calvin University employee quit their job when they were told they could be fired for marrying a woman.

The employee’s department within Calvin is now legally separating from the university. Once that process is complete, the university’s policies dictated by the Christian Reform Church will no longer apply to the Center for Social Research.

Students say more work needs to be done.


h/t Jason “If they want another religion then go make one. Calvin College was founded in 1871.”

25 Comments on Calvin University About to End “Discrimination” Against LGBTQ+ People

  1. The same could/should have been said about the pervs invading the BSA, “if you want a Scouting organization for your groomer adults and assaulted youth, go form your own”.

  2. I remember 4th of July, 1976 and 17 year old me thinking “this is going to be a great ride”.
    The roads have gone to shit since then!
    Glad I saw a lot of the country a couple years after that because I can’t think of a place in this country that hasn’t been ruined since.

  3. My home town.
    The city used to be extremely conservative – settled by majority Dutch, Finish, Norwegian.

    The morals of Calvin College were/are well known. You didn’t apply or attend Calvin if you couldn’t sign the papers where you agreed to their rules.

    Their college, their rules – is that so very difficult to understand?

    I can’t abide these children who don’t like the game they signed up for and want to change things to suit their infantile desires.

  4. I descriminate against them by despising them. I’ll despise whomever I want to despise and anyone who denies me that right can bend over and get reamed out by a queer. Or stick a road flare up their arse and light it which they may possibly enjoy.

    I’m not talking about killing anyone. God has a plan for perverts. I don’t have to do a damned thing.

  5. “You papist shitbommb!”



  6. Basically, faggots have pretty much taken over the last vestiges of Western Christianity. Any church that hasn’t is either a black church actively facilitating election fraud or a church under investigation by the DoJ for “extremist” activity.


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