Cam Newton Punks Out and Decides Not to Jump in on Fumble with Super Bowl on the Line – IOTW Report

Cam Newton Punks Out and Decides Not to Jump in on Fumble with Super Bowl on the Line

Oh my.

Gonna go out on a limb here and say Congratulations Denver Broncos- Super Bowl 50 Champions.


55 Comments on Cam Newton Punks Out and Decides Not to Jump in on Fumble with Super Bowl on the Line

  1. Is it just me or… did anyone else catch the subtitles of the homosexual agenda that was pushed at halftime? the gay pride handkerchief that Coldplay’s lead singer used to wipe the sweat off his face as one example.. the rainbows painted on the musical instruments.. I realize this happened in San Francisco.. but, how much of this crap needs to be shoved in our faces?
    As for the rest of the game, the Panthers Quarterback threw the game, throwing the football over his teammates head. waiting too long to pass it to a teammate.. Personally, I think the game was “Fixed”.. ( Honestly, I could have cared less who won, since neither one is my favorite team.. Just a few random thoughts I had..

  2. total pussy .. so glad we didn’t have to watch his pimp dance at any time during the game. he lost it when he was hard tackled in the end zone like the pussy he
    is .. all pimp .. no class

  3. A good QB knows he has to protect himself from injury so he’ll be there for the team in critical moments of important games. He also understands when it’s a critical moment in an important game.

  4. Colonel Ralph Peters was overheard in the Panthers locker room after the game talking about Cam Newton, “What a pussy.”

    Cam’s arrogance needed to be knocked down several floors.

  5. This was the first SB I’ve ever watched all the way through. I’m not ashamed to admit it. Never been a huge FB fan.

    But I saw this one it was awesome. I saw Newton’s punk out live, what a wimp. Obviously he never thought the ball would have shot further down the field like it did just like a bar of wet soap.

    He’ll be reliving that moment in horror for a long time to come. That was the moment where he lost the game.

    Best suberbowl I ever saw, lol.

  6. Cam is a special athlete and a very good quarterback. He will also be an impact player in the NFL for maybe more then a decade….That being said, maybe he will now learn to shut his mouth and play the game like a full grown adult male….Walter Payton once said, when asked why he just handed the ball to the Ref and didn’t spike the ball and break into a dance…..”because I want them to know that I’ve been there before”….

  7. @willy ~ I remember John Riggins of the Washington Redskins saying about the same thing. After scoring a TD he always just handed the ball off to the referee. When asked why he didn’t celebrate like all the other prima donnas, he said … “When you cross the goal line, you should act like you’ve been there before.”

  8. Black quarterbacks matter.

    Jeez dude take off the pointy white hat. Newtons a class act. I’m more than happy Mannings going out with a ring. The guy deserves it. There’s just not quit in that SOB. Defensive games can be boring unless your really into the game.

    PS. I hope Manning knows when it’s time to hang it up. It’s time.

  9. @ Molon Labe…yeah both men cut out of the same cloth….It was good to see Riggers at the MVP opening…..Apple tv lets me watch all of the super bowls…and I have…LOL….other then that Apple tv is really mediocre, but I digress…

  10. Usually I find Super Bowl games a bit dull although I love football especially tight ends in tight pants.
    This is one I enjoyed because i wanted the OLD GUY to win.
    And Broadway Joe, damn, 72 already.

  11. Sorry Bletchley, I keep forgetting there are some people here that a very un athletic and have never competed at anything. Don’t try and understand. Just grab your hot chocolate and your Teddy and go back to what ever people like you do.

  12. I think Cam lost because he’s black, and he was discriminated against on the field. Wah, wah, wah. Seriously, I enjoyed watching Cam get taken down a notch. Hope he learns a little class.

    As for Peyton, not his best game, but if I were him, I’d make it my last and go out with a ring. We had the pleasure of making his acquaintance back when he was with the Colts, and what a guy! Just very kind and genuine. He was especially nice to my kids. A great guy all around, and a great athlete.

  13. “Don’t try and understand. Just grab your hot chocolate and your Teddy and go back to what ever people like you do.”

    Brad, are you naturally just a Jerk or do you have to work at it?

  14. @ Doc, some USA Today writer hack named Chris Korman has written an entire article on how Cam Newton is only being criticized because he is black. Because if Peyton Manning acted that way he would never be criticized. Right. I am so sick of all the black crap. Do you think it will ever fade when Obama is out of office?

  15. I don’t like Cam at all (in fact, he’s number one on my hate list) but I really doubt he was shying away from contact there, despite how it looked. This is the same guy who runs the ball all the time into absolute physical dynamos as a very large target (6’5″) meaning he is always getting hit hard and taken down hard. He’s not a wrecking ball of a 5’10” runningback who can dish out hits while being hit. It wasn’t physical cowardice. I think he had other things on his mind, like assuming the ball would get kicked out downfield (towards the endzone behind him), like his earlier fumble. He had a mental track anticipating the ball would get squirted around. Also, being 6’5″ and having a ball at your feet isn’t the easiest diving position. I wouldn’t doubt that he was assuming the ball would squirt loose and he was likely hoping to pick it up and run, because they needed yardage there given the game conditions. It was basically their last drive. Once again, I actually hate the asshole, but I don’t think he was wussing out there.

  16. Cam Newton’s bad luck last night began with his refusal to honor the National Anthem. He kept his hands clasped and eyes shut while his teammates placed their hands over their hearts, eyes front and many sang along.

    BTW, I watched the last half of a Columbo rerun during halftime. There are enough niggajigs on the field during the game.

  17. Cam Newton is very talented, charismatic and just getting started – he’s got a long way to go. However, Newton is very immature and not the brightest bulb in the box.
    The Panthers are a strong team but they tied their fortunes to a freaked out quarterback.
    Peyton Manning is a seasoned, savvy operator. He didn’t get in the way of the Colts defense and kept cool. The Colts did their homework and anticipated almost every move the Panthers made for a well deserved win.

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