Camera Hogg Gets Slapped Around By Kyle Kashuv – IOTW Report

Camera Hogg Gets Slapped Around By Kyle Kashuv


Far-left activist David Hogg tweeted:

Get ready for two weeks of media coverage of politicians acting like they give a shit when in reality they just want to boost their approval ratings before midterms.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) May 18, 2018

Kashuv turned it around on him:

Get ready for two weeks of people like David Hogg lying so they can push an agenda and calling everyone who doesn’t agree with him a “child murderer” despite their proposals having no utility or impact on the event at hand.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) May 18, 2018


I love Kashuv’s sarcastic tweet to Hogg and others after they implored the government to “do something!”

He said,

“remember how adults don’t know how to do anything and you were going to be the hero to finally ‘DO SOMETHING’?”

Kashuv is much sharper than Hogg.

16 Comments on Camera Hogg Gets Slapped Around By Kyle Kashuv

  1. In their dark hearts, I’ll bet Hogg’s parents are super grateful their spawn now has a real hobby and that it redirects his anger to other people and away from them — at least a little.

  2. If you desire wealth and fame but are unwilling to commit yourself to the Herculean efforts it takes to reach those goals then you can always adopt the left’s strategy and choose a contrary position that goes against any reasonable argument. The more ridiculous and offensive the quicker you’ll climb. Pig boy is a perfect example of how a know nothing idiot can grab the national spotlight.

  3. We can all laugh at this kid, Hogg, but where will he be in 10, 20 years? Will he wake up to reality, grow up to be a person with faith & integrity? Or will he further develop into one of his Communist heroes?

  4. @Blue Toof, I don’t know. I believe he’s just a common standard-issue, dull-witted, hateful, commie larva. He will be a lifetime member of the marching morons who make up the army of useful idiots carrying out the orders given by the commie elites. If course, muzzrats are close companions to commies.

  5. AbigailAdams said:

    “In their dark hearts, I’ll bet Hogg’s parents are super grateful their spawn now has a real hobby and that it redirects his anger to other people and away from them — at least a little.”

    Attention Hogg’s father is ex-FBI. He probably instructed him on how to game the system.

  6. A valid concern of the Founders was “tyranny of the many” as discussed by Alexis de Tocqueville and J.S Mill.

    The flip side of that coin is tyranny of the minority.

    “Woke” SJWs, vegans, gay “rights” activists, pedophiles, NAMBLA, feminazis and other oddballs are examples of small groups whose clamor is out of proportion to their numbers.

  7. Get ready for two weeks of media coverage of politicians acting like they give a shit when in reality they just want to boost their approval ratings before midterms.

    Get ready for a month of people that do not know anything about firearms and firearms laws, but do have an agenda, pretend to have a new solution for the problem of school shootings that do not address the problem, but only affect the gunowners that didn’t do it.

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