Cameras Seem To Malfunction or Not Record or Not be Monitored Whenever a Democrat is Involved – IOTW Report

Cameras Seem To Malfunction or Not Record or Not be Monitored Whenever a Democrat is Involved

100% Fed Up-

Following the mysterious, rumor-plagued attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) are re-evaluating their security protocols. According to multiple sources, the Capitol Police had access to cameras at the Pelosi residence, but they were not being monitored until local police were already at the scene.

On Wednesday, the Capitol Police released a statement admitting that those at the Command Center were not monitoring the security camera feed for the Pelosi residence at the time of the attack. The USCP reported that they have access to about 1,800 cameras, including those “used to actively monitor the speaker’s San Francisco residence around the clock when she is there.”

“While the Speaker was with her security detail in Washington, D.C., the San Francisco cameras were not actively monitored as they are when the speaker is at the residence. The Command Center personnel noticed the police activity on the screen and used the feeds to monitor the response and assist investigators,” the department said.


ht/ jd hasty

16 Comments on Cameras Seem To Malfunction or Not Record or Not be Monitored Whenever a Democrat is Involved

  1. Just getting the body cam footage of the responding cops would answer a lot of questions. But alas, there is a protected class that lives by different rules or no rules at all.

    The cops, like the FBI, like the IRS, like the media, all arms of the Democratic party, they just ain’t accountable to common folk like us.

  2. I am imagining that Paul will ‘blame’ Nancy for his being attacked and their ‘happy marriage’ will deconstruct especially when she loses her gavel next January. The fireworks would be astounding!

  3. So, they’re sticking with ‘no alarms were set off’ while a guy in his skivvies breaks the glass in a door to gain entry. Or maybe he wasn’t in his underwear, they’re not sure anymore. Stay tuned for further development!

  4. Ghost of Burner November 3, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    Usually the cameras are trained on Nan’s ice cream in the freezer.
    Just in case Joey gets close.

    Don’t forget that taxpayers paid for ice cream in Nancy’s $24,000 freezer full of $12-a-pint luxury ice cream

  5. And another top democrat politician that is obviously blackmailable.
    It won’t surface before the election but I sure how it does eventually. I can’t wait to see that Trump supporter in his underwear swinging a hammer walking through one of the most secure neighborhoods in America.

  6. You folks are waaaay off base. Democrat security cameras come with built in gaydar – whenever a Democrat is engaging in whatever perversion he or she is into, the cameras switch off until the butt sex is done. For anyone monitoring the feed, the receivers put out a temporary shock which effectively and temporarily lobotomizes anyone watching the cameras. No one sees anything or remembers anything.

    Well, except for Chuck Todd of course. But all he remembers is that election deniers should never run for office and orange man bad.

  7. Not monitoring when Nanzi isn’t home?
    How about when Nanzi isn’t home, and a rabid gay arsonist lights up the house? Wanna bet they’re monitoring then?


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