Campaign Spox for “Pro-Trump” Candidate Disparages Grass Roots Conservative Media – IOTW Report

Campaign Spox for “Pro-Trump” Candidate Disparages Grass Roots Conservative Media

C. Steven Tucker sent me a heads up that Laura Loomer confronted Pennsylvania congressional hopeful Dan Meuser, a guy running as a pro-Trump candidate, about his donations to lots of people who are anti-Trump, rinos as well as democrats.

Meuser said they were part of PAC donations that he could not control, but for every answer he gave Loomer showed that his answers ran counter to the evidence she had, particularly dates of when he was a part of these PACS.

I was intrigued, but I also remember Trump having to answer for odd donations. His explanation was that he was a businessman and that’s the nature of doing business. Meuser is a businessman. Shouldn’t he be afforded the same pass?

That’s when the story took a 90º turn.

Enter Meuser’s campaign spokesman, Mike Barley, who is horrendous at his job. It was his interjection that convinced me to post this story.

Meuser walked away from Loomer when she asked about his personal contributions to anti-Trump rinos. That pricks up the ears, when a candidate decides to walk away from a journalist.

Barley got in between Loomer and Meuser and offered the same defenses as the candidate, but added a few insulting jabs, accusing Loomer of being a shill for another candidate and not being a “real media member.”

He said, “I never heard of you.”

I’ve heard of Loomer, I’ve never heard of Mike Barley. When Loomer asked why Meuser walked away, Mike Barley said, “because there is actual real media here.”

He said, “no one in this district is going to listen to this, or see it.”

Laura asked, “no one in this district is going to see it? Are you positive of that?”

“Positive,” Barley declares. “Maybe 5 people.”

Meuser then sauntered back from “the real media” and lobbed in, “you’re worse than the liberal media.”

The story for me is no longer whether Meuser made questionable contributions, it’s about their campaign’s smug attitude and contempt toward the type of journalism that ushered Trump across the finish line.

I don’t trust a “conservative” candidate that doesn’t acknowledge that and instead embraces the “real media,” the ones that they can pay for.

That’s the difference between Meuser and Trump. Trump invited Gateway Pundit to the White House. Meuser was tossing Loomer out of the room so he could run to the “real media.” That’s not very Trump-like.

By the way, there’s another candidate being endorsed by the pro-Trump Super Pac MAGA Coalition. He is also endorsed by Sebastian Gorka. It’s Andrew Lewis.




8 Comments on Campaign Spox for “Pro-Trump” Candidate Disparages Grass Roots Conservative Media

  1. A rino. A communist swamp creature pretending to be conservative so he can sneak in to obstruct Pres. Trump. I hope this goes viral and bites Meuser and Barley on both @ss cheeks.

  2. Not a good day for slimey swamp dwellers. Meuser and Barley will rue the day they dismissed LL as insignificant. This vid will be the gift that keeps on giving between now and Election Day.

    Don’t know if this has been posted elsewhere, but enjoy below Diamond & Silk testimony of today. The deliciousness of two black women taking Jackson-Lee, Hank Johnson and Jeffries to the woodshed is fantastic.

  3. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!?!?!? Cross eyed neanderthal browed pasty faced inbreds… WHY ISN’T GENETIC TESTING REQUIRED TO RUN FOR OFFICE!?!?!?

    We need actyual humans to run for office. These hoomans and half breed hybrids are dragging the rest of us down with them.


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