Campus Protest Culture is Turning Off Alumni Donors – IOTW Report

Campus Protest Culture is Turning Off Alumni Donors

Legal Insurrection: Over the last year, colleges across the country have bent over backwards to accommodate student protests but they’re now finding out there are consequences for that.

Many alumni donors are making their disapproval known by withholding donations and that should be setting off alarm bells in the office of every college administrator.

The New York Times reports:

College Students Protest, Alumni’s Fondness Fades and Checks Shrink

Scott MacConnell cherishes the memory of his years at Amherst College, where he discovered his future métier as a theatrical designer. But protests on campus over cultural and racial sensitivities last year soured his feelings.

Now Mr. MacConnell, who graduated in 1960, is expressing his discontent through his wallet. In June, he cut the college out of his will.

“As an alumnus of the college, I feel that I have been lied to, patronized and basically dismissed as an old, white bigot who is insensitive to the needs and feelings of the current college community,” Mr. MacConnell, 77, wrote in a letter to the college’s alumni fund in December, when he first warned that he was reducing his support to the college to a token $5.


17 Comments on Campus Protest Culture is Turning Off Alumni Donors

  1. Well, it looks like Colleges will begrudgingly become places of Higher learning again..

    Reminds Me of a scene from Paul Theroux’s “Pillars of Hercules” (travel book) Where a tourist bitched about one of the Apes biting her after She pinched it…

  2. I hope more alumni donors do the same thing. our colleges have become training camps for progressive thought. I have seen many young men and women ruined by zealous profs who are only there to recruit new soldiers of chaos.

  3. One of my college classmates has been extremely generous to Columbia University over the years. After Emma Sulkowicz’s “Carry That Weight” tantrum, he told me, “Those assholes have seen the last of me and my money,” nicely summing up a consequence of Columbia supporting frivolous scholarship and discrimination against male students.

  4. If you go into the trades, you will get paid during the 4-5 years it takes to become a craftsman.
    At that point, you will be making a whole lot more money than the average college grad, and be in high demand.
    Or, you can go into massive debt over 4-5 years, have a hard time finding any kind of employment and struggle for another few years or more.
    I have a PHD, I keep it with the other earth moving tools.

  5. $5? If that was my college, they’d get a flaming pallet of my farm animals dung. With the a sweet message of, HELLO! Remember me? Hahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahaahha. Cough,,, cough. BURrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrPppppppppppppp!

  6. My alma mater killed of our time honored, respectful American Indian symbol/mascot because of race bating leftists. Haven’t sent a dime since. “Biting the hand that feeds you” and the inevitable consequences were never taught to commie SJW and BLM numb skulls.

  7. If these students that are stifling free speech, demanding safe zones, getting college administrators that don’t give in to their demands fired etc etc think they aren’t having an effect on their own futures they really are too dumb to attend college. If they think that employers don’t pay attention to this crap they are sadly mistaken. These actions will reduce the value of a degree from these colleges to the point where the resume submitted by a student from one of these places will simply be placed in the trash.

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