Campus Reform Makes Joke and Jackass Students Take Them Seriously – IOTW Report

Campus Reform Makes Joke and Jackass Students Take Them Seriously

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8 Comments on Campus Reform Makes Joke and Jackass Students Take Them Seriously

  1. So it’s now sexist to pee in a urinal because womyn can’t? Gimme a frigging break. Do they have urinals in transgender cans for the freaks to use? Why don’t they just whip it out and pee everywhere like dogs do when they mark their territory, it makes just as much sense with these idiots.

  2. A hardened cowboy and a tough cowgirl were drinkin’ at a bar and tellin’ stories of vanquished kingdoms….the conversation grew slow….the cowgirl says…”I bet I can pee further up on a wall then you”….cowboy says…”I’ll take that bet”….they mosey on outside, she drops her drawers, bends over and proceeds to wet the brick wall up to about 3 feet…the cowboy then proceeds to open his fly and have at it…he’s smilin’ cuz he knows he’s got it won….Then the cowgirl interjects….”UH UH UH…NO hands”…

  3. I believe there do exist female urinals, but most American wymyn can’t use em cuz they no longer wear dresses.

    And there’s no point if you have to drop your drawers.

    I have been told that Japan had holes in the floor with footprints painted beside them – but again, Jap wymyn wore dresses in the mid-60s.

    But I have been wrong, before.

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