Can Dr. Kelli Ward Beat John McStain? – IOTW Report

Can Dr. Kelli Ward Beat John McStain?


Kelli Ward said longtime Arizona Senator John McCain wasn’t truly conservative and has lost sight of Arizona values as she formally announced her U.S. Senate bid Tuesday at a rally in Lake Havasu City.

In a thirteen-minute speech to well over 200 supporters, sporting red and yellow “Dr. Kelli Ward” placards, Ward, of Havasu, accused McCain of a pattern of moving to the right during campaigns and leaving promises unmet once reelected.


She said he “talks compromise on everything… and he’s not the conservative he claims to be.”

“He’ll move so far to the right that he’s gonna bump into my left shoulder,” she said. “And I will tell you, I’m gonna nudge him back to the left where he belongs.”

The second-term state senator, physician and mother of three even pointed to comments from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton calling McCain her “favorite Republican.”

“Let me make a promise to you, right here and right now,” Ward said with a wave of her finger. “Send me to the United States Senate and Hilary Clinton will never say that about me.”


17 Comments on Can Dr. Kelli Ward Beat John McStain?

  1. The everlasting image I’ll have of McCain is the ad when he was walking the border, looking oh-so tough with his ball cap and saying build the dang fence.

    Fucking douche.

    I hope she kicks his ass. Retiring him and Bennett in CO and my absolutely worthless Republican rep here in Texas, Mike “Boehners butt boy” Conaway along with President Cruz would get me so high, I might never come down.

  2. What would be truly fun to watch is if Palin endorses and campaigns for Ward. McCain would have to turn on Palin which would call his judgement into question while Palin could respond to her change with a simple statement of initial loyalty to a man who selected her to run for VP. She could then say his performance and record over the last six years caused her great concern and led to her supporting Ward. I’d love watching McCain (and the Democrats) hand wringing over this. It would be especially fun if the Democrat Party tried to come to his aid.

  3. How many times have we been sold the bill of goods that a new up and coming challenger is taking on an old Republican RINO squish in (enter state) and will be a breath of fresh air as we attempt to get the country back on track and back to abiding by proper constitutional principles? Many people undoubtedly cheered when the Repub’s took back the House and then the Senate. Yeah right! Look how fast the newcomers became the oldtimers and the only change was for the worse!

  4. So you think that everyone who has made this claim votes the same? So everyone who has said this is a liar? Really? Don’t think like a liberal. Learn who walks the walk and who is just a talker.

  5. How much more does he need to steal? When is enough, enough, for pity’s sake? For all the good he has done he could have died on the Forrestal and been remembered more fondly.

    Died a “hero” instead of a demented old thieving traitor.

  6. LIve in Lake Havasu and Kelli Ward is the real deal–she will never abandon her conservative stance if elected. I do hate for anyone to find out about how great a place Lake Havasu is though–its a case study on how a enjoyable living in a majority white conservative town is. Little crime, no trash, no graffiti, kind store clerks courteous drivers. Sorry to say it will be short lived–every day freaking Californiacators are flocking here to escape the shithole they created there– We need a border fence between Arizona and California! You won’t regret voting or supporting Kelli Ward.

  7. In her MCRC statement Ward acknowledges her ‘Hippocratic Oath’ taken as a physician, and says she “”WILL swear an oath to the Constitution. I’ll keep both of those oaths.”… she will ‘keep both of those oaths’, one made as a Doctor and one she will make if elected to the U.S. Senate. Again, what about the other “Oath of Office”, the one made (twice) as a State Senator to uphold the Arizona State Constitution?

    KELLI WARD, Constitutional State Senator or NOT? Maricopa County Republican County Briefs: by JPD on August 23rd, 2015

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