Can someone fact check this? It’s interesting. – IOTW Report

Can someone fact check this? It’s interesting.

“Trump HAD to win in a landslide, and he did. So that the amount of cheating required for the Dems to win would need to be SO VAST that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to hide it…

This is why I kept telling you all that ACB was the Trump card.”

HT/ Woody

Rest of thread HERE

45 Comments on Can someone fact check this? It’s interesting.

  1. Too many strings to pull, at too many locations to disguise the same act as “accidental”. they really screwed me up when all the ballots came in after midnight and they were ask marked for Jjoe “Einstein” Biden.

  2. Never underestimate the Trumpster, been thinking on this all weekend, the man goes golfing, you know taking it easy.

    He has Trump cards up his sleeve. Why doubt him now he hasn’t failed us yet.

  3. Trump got more votes this year than Obama got in 2008 or 2005.

    And we are supposed to believe that Biden, who did not even campaign or excite anyone, has received 6,000,000 more votes than the community organizing first black president.

    It defies credulity.

  4. It’s easy to poke fun and ridicule Q, but the fact is whatever Q is or was, it caused huge numbers of people that wouldn’t ordinarily be involved in past and current events to get informed. For that alone the effort was worth it.

  5. I’m curious about 10 days for DOJ involvement. All I see is where is Barr/DOJ/fbi and I’m just as frustrated. But i don’t know the law. I find q annoying bc so many rabbit holes and I just don’t get it, but I sure learned a lot about Epstein and his island

  6. There’s more to it than just this Remember when Trump fixed it so he could communicate with the people thru EAS. I got my text message. Q says the media will go dark on Trump, not report the facts. That’s why Trump modified the EAS. Think about it.
    I’m not a Q freak. But I’m not stupid enough to discount good 411. Arm up.

    Trump also Tweeted to watch Marl Levin tonight. Which we did. Trumps got this shit hands down.

  7. Adam Baldwin tweeted today that Trump HAD to wait until it (voter fraud) happened, so he could take necessary action. That would mean that inevitably there would be this initial claim that Biden has won. Tomorrow will be interesting, I expect a lot of action.

  8. I’m seeing on Facebook and Twitter that 11/13 is the day bail on each and go elsewhere, like to Parler. Big plans for 10 days after the election. Who knows. 🤷‍♀️

    There’s always a Trump boomerang so I haven’t give up hope.

  9. I don’t know if it was POTUS Trump’s plan to lose the election, but this is what we needed — yes, needed — to expose the depth of the rot that has been eating this country from the inside out, no doubt about that.

    I’ve been praying for the wheels to completely fall off our national wagon for some time. The old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” was never more apt than describing the problem of corruption and the so-called managed decline of our beloved nation for nearly a century. The ONLY way it’s going to get fixed if it’s broken. Short of someone openly declaring a civil war, this should about lay waste to the Left. I remain steadfast in my faith that God’s hands are on our nation for its ultimate good.

  10. One other thing. Q and other have predicted Trump calling the insurrection act and enable the military to arrest asshole and by pass the totally corrupt FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security, CIA, etc. Originally I gave it about a 5% chance. I was up to about 30% and then, Mark Esper quietly resigned. Remember Mr., please don’t ask me to invoke the insurrection act Mr. President because I won’t do it? Yea, well, that assholes GONE. I’m up to about a 50% chance now and praying.

  11. “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you just might find you get what you need.”

    Is it a coincidence that this has been POTUS Trump’s rally entrance music for 5+ years?

  12. How is ACB the ‘trump card’. She may have some influence on future events but the odds of the SCOTUS getting involved in this election are almost zero. This will ALL be handled at the District and Appellate levels of the court system. Unless there is a serious conflict between court rulings or a GENUINE issue of Constitutionality the SCOTUS will NOT BE PART OF THE PROCESS.

  13. I’m in a good mood.

    No reason I should be, but I is. So, I’m trusting my mood.

    Someone save this and show it to me next week when when we’re all wading in blood and fire.

  14. With the revelation that the “glitchy” software has ties to Pelosi and Feinstein, every state that used the software needs an audited recount and an independent audit of the software itself.

  15. I go back and forth on Q stuff. Now granted I don’t follow it closely at all and just tidbits I see here and there. One thing that makes me wonder about them though is that the bitch in the townhall was so worried about them, if it’s not true then why is the media concerned about them?
    Another thing that makes me wonder is all the child trafficked kids that have been rescued and how the media totally ignores it.

  16. Dan, if the conservative judges follow the constitution, the state legislatures make the laws on elections. So the courts, the governors, the election officials violated the constitution. Any ballots after midnight in that case are not legal votes.
    You know in reality though if you follow the constitution, states have been violating the constitution for years. Early voting is a violation, absentee is even a violation, because it dictates when the election is to be held.

    Now will SCOTUS uphold the Constitution, that is to be seen?

  17. When God put a stop to RBG’s attempt to live forever the dems were caught flatfooted with plans that couldn’t work without her playing defense. They had to grab more, a lot faster and it was way too much to cover up. They were planning a quick smash and grab and wound up having to break into a vault without being caught. Didn’t work.
    They have their bloody fingerprints all over the place and even a “blind justice” couldn’t miss the mess they left,
    let alone five unsmiling conservatives.
    That’s why they are going all out to get their crooked media arm to gaslight. They are trying to steal the “moral authority” using agitprop. The gaslight trick wasn’t enough and now they are trying flamethrowers.
    “By any means necessary.” Thats the socialist way.

  18. @ Charlie WalksonWater, I’m not so sure Kane got trolled, being the site owner, he can determine pretty quickly whether he’s being trolled or not. And he did call out the guy quite publicly. I wouldn’t have had the stones.

    OTOH, he himself might be doing a little larping just to stir things up. That Steve Pieczenik’s Colon is hilarious.

  19. I know and believe this is all a set-up. BUT I’m concerned (not scared) that with all the celebrating in my city (NYC), once the truth is out they will go nuts. I’m only 1/4 mile from Bronx, NY boarder. I’m worried of the looting and rioting and attacks. I pray everyday.

    God Bless us all!!

  20. Here’s the quote from the linked website that stood out to me. As, ah, a curious interesting thing.

    “Now here’s the “you can’t make this stuff up” part. The software that the machines are using to tally up the votes is owned and controlled by Paul Pelosi. Yes…Nancy Pelosi’s husband!!”

    Is not that special?

    Not evidence of fraud. But at least a conflict of interest, from our view. Not for Joe and Nancy, they wouldn’t see any conflict at all.

  21. Earlier I was concerned that using statistics to reveal vote fraud would be a hard sell, and wouldn’t be accepted as proof.

    But then I remembered a math lesson from childhood, and realized that finding fake ballots is like playing hide and seek. And math can be used to find the hiders in places that surprises them. They wont understand it, but they will know they were found. .

  22. Not sure who posted this thread reader link on an earlier topic here on iOTW, but it contained a video from the Economic War Room, in which the whole voter fraud tactics were disclosed.

    It started with the KY Gubernatorial theft – Bashears vs Bevin – which we have all seen, but it went on to further explain how the voter machines were hijacked and exposed just how vulnerable the entire network and system of voting really is. Some of this is Hammer and Scorecard technology, but it goes much deeper than that. And of course, it makes a George Soros connection.

    I guarantee you that 95% of the American public have no idea how the process really works. The one troubling aspect is that this video was produced way before the 2020 election, yet it got no traction anywhere. Although that shouldn’t surprise me given the media and tech complicity in stealing this election.

    It is VERY informative and revealing.

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