Can someone please unravel the logic Psaki just hoisted upon the press corp – IOTW Report

Can someone please unravel the logic Psaki just hoisted upon the press corp

No offense to the brilliant woman who satirizes Psaki, but, Psaki just out satiriized herself.

21 Comments on Can someone please unravel the logic Psaki just hoisted upon the press corp

  1. She’s got a tough job. Justifying the ridiculously unjustifiable. I’m surprised they even bother holding press conferences. Combined with the MSM they make Goebbels look like a rank amateur.

  2. “If they have symptoms, *the intention* is for them to be quarantined.”
    Right. Now do *the reality*.
    “They are not *intending* to stay…”
    Then why the fuck did they come?

  3. Their intentions are to stay here and suck off the taxpayer teats for their entire lives, drop anchor babies and have them do the same with free braces for their teeth, free college, free summer camps, etc. You know, all the things working Americans can barely afford for their own kids.

  4. She says this on the same day the Feds announce a vaccine and testing requirement for “legal” foreign travellers to the US? I guess she assumes the “legal” travellers plan to overstay their visas.


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