BreitbartCA: President-elect Donald Trump has stated his commitment to helping California’s farmers attain more water, as the Golden State prepares to enter its historic sixth year of a crippling drought, with a federal water policy in place that favors fish over agriculture.
However, the authority of California’s state agencies over the allocation of its water supply — which includes the federal Central Valley Project — remains a staggering obstacle the nation’s 45th president must confront. Particularly, as the Sacramento Bee points out, when it comes to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, which is where the endangered Delta smelt primarily reside.
Over a year ago, Fresno County farmer Wayne Western Jr. penned a letter to Trump pleading for help. His farm, like many others in his situation, could go out of business if nothing is done to address the water situation. According to the Bee, Trump replied with a handwritten pledge, writing: “Got it — crazy. If I win, it will be corrected quickly.” MORE
Wouldn’t the fish just swim to wherever the water goes?
The fish is not endangered. The idiots in California however are. By their own deeds.
What would Lazlo’s Old Man, Euripides have to say?
He would say: “Miscreant, no matter how much water you give to the Delta Smelt, they will never achieve the numbers required to feed the same amount of people that the Farmers in the San Joaquin Valley can. Now get off my porch.”
The Delta smelt is the favorite fish of the left because it requires a federal subsidy to exist. Anything to further the burden on tax payers and citizens.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if someone introduced a predator fish that ate all the delta smelt and then went on to occupy the same ecological niche?
The fact is I suspect the feds could build an artificial environment for the smelt that could keep their number up until the drought ends and they could be released back into the wild. This would allow water to be diverted to where it’s needed (but not to the big cities, screw em) for agriculture and shut the lefties up.
Animals before people. Save the whales, kill the unborn child (Carlin said it better). Liberals could care less about the real people who make things and create a better life for humans.
It’s always something, spotted owls, lizards, turtles, smelt. In the end these ‘endangered’ and ‘threatened’ species sure make a lot of lefties rich.
The much vaunted spotted owl cannot compete with the brown owl who is taking over the territory they destroyed an industry to save.
Now they send in contractors to shoot poor hapless brown owls to ‘level the playing field’ so the dumb ass spotted owls can at least hang on.
The California legislature ponders the fish:
dang ahole kilt an endangered fish for a photh opp.
It’s about driving the white farmers out of business and stealing their land. Once the last white farmer is driven off his farm, you won’t hear a peep from the “environmental movement” about protecting delta smelt.
It’s not about fish. It’s about SoCal water delivery because they have two damn many people down there and no legit water plan. While they supposedly let that water flow to the ocean they are also pumping like crazy into the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct system. Funny how the lake in Northern California are always ALWAYS bone dry in the summer and the SoCal lakes are full. Everyones being lied too.
Fuck the fish and why haven’t these spoiled rich liberals invested into a desalination machine to solve their water problems like rich Arabs have? Save the farmers!
Trump: Reintroducing California to America again.