Can Trump Run Again? – IOTW Report

Can Trump Run Again?

Adam Kinzinger demonstrates why he’s a traitor and not interested in what’s best for the American people.

Dr. David Dinkweaver –

They didn’t think Trump had a chance against Hillary Clinton.  But he ended up winning in a big way and in a fair election.  Then they tried everything possible to get him out.  Good old Peter and Lisa at the FBI.  The Russian collusion hoax consumed the media daily for years.  The sham impeachment.  And now you can see Rino’s like Adam Kinzinger telling you flat out “We will do whatever we can to prevent Trump from becoming President again.”

Do Kinzinger and his cronies truly believe that Biden is better for the country than Trump?  Biden and his administration are a total fiasco and lives are being lost on a daily basis because of their incompetence.  But even though Trump would be better than any demonrat they decide to prop up, he cannot run for President.

They will do anything they possibly can, (as they did in 2020) like mailing tens of millions of ballots, to ensure Trump doesn’t win.  They have no integrity and thus will ensure the corrupt counties in a handful of key states will funnel votes against Trump.

Although Trump would do an incredible job cleaning up the mess these idiots have created in the past 14 months, the Republicans need to nominate someone else to mitigate (that means to lessen, not to eliminate, because you can’t eliminate the corruption from the demonrats) the efforts they will put forth to cheat.

Who do you think should be the Republican nominee? – Dr. David Dinkweaver (archives)

35 Comments on Can Trump Run Again?

  1. How in the hell can he say 2016 was a fair election?!?! Right off the bat this article is bullshit! This Drinkwater guy is is fucked up! I don’t see anyone in the elephant party that I could support other than Trump! If he is in he has my vote.

  2. I think Dinkweaver is saying they didn’t steal the election like in 2020. Hillary was so confident she was going to win they couldn’t get the cheating apparatus in gear in time when Trump supporters overwhelmed the polls.
    She was measuring the drapes, for crissakes.

  3. BFH, I believe you’re right on that, but to think that 2016 was a fair election is nuts. They thought they had done enough cheating to ensure the victory. They pulled out all the stops in 2020 because of 2016. If we don’t get a handle on 2022 and 2024 we are done as a free nation.





  5. Fortunately Kinzinger has been redistricted out of a seat. I lived in his district in which the rural folk (conservative) were outnumbered by the Chicago suburban folk. However, Kinzinger got the Republican vote because he was the only choice, and a lot of the Democrat vote because…well, that’s what he really was. It’s too bad that “none of the above” was on the ballot.

  6. Fortunately Kinzinger has been redistricted out of a seat. I lived in his district in which the rural folk (conservative) were outnumbered by the Chicago suburban folk. However, Kinzinger got the Republican vote because he was the only choice, and a lot of the Democrat vote because…well, that’s what he really was. It’s too bad that “none of the above” wasn’t on the ballot.

  7. @joe6pak,

    It’s a mistake to assume that a 2022 midterm blowout is the cure. Do not underestimate their willingness to take a 2022 loss to cement a longer term “fix” to ruling “elite” hegemony. We have voting automation that’s “networked”… Why does a voting tabulation machine need a network connection? Let alone one connected to “The Internet”?

  8. I like DeSantis too, he has proven himself to be Pro-Florida. Trump has without a doubt proven himself to be Pro-American! That is why Trump has my vote in 2024, DeSantis is certainly in line for 2028.

  9. Kali Refugee, I don’t expect a blowout. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if we had our heads handed to us again because of the corruption in both parties and the unwillingness to really address voter fraud. I’m not the least bit hopeful!

  10. “Although Trump would do an incredible job cleaning up the mess these idiots have created in the past 14 months, the Republicans need to nominate someone else”

    Fuck off Jewtard.

  11. President Trump knew in 2016 that they were cheating,he had no know idea how far they would go in 2020.
    He knows as do all of use now.
    Look at his first words in 2016 after he won, “Its Complicated Business”.
    They are afraid of us, as they should be.
    He has my vote again when he calls for it.

  12. Geoff, in the Summer of 2020 Trump was sounding the alarm about mail-in ballots and cheating but it was dismissed as conspiracy.

    He was at the mercy of dem controlled states.
    Look at Wisconsin, PA, NV, etc. Good Lord!
    Not to mention GA & AZ…sigh*

  13. Loco, it’s his job to be Pro-Florida! I think he’s doing a great job. What I intended to emphasize is that Trump has already proven himself to be Pro-American. Do I think DeSantis is Pro-American? Absolutely! But right now Trump has unfinished business and he has my vote if he is in!

  14. Is there an argument that President Trump could, and should run in 2024? Absotively. Would it be the wisest choice? Beyond my feeble mental capacity, though I can make the arguments
    Is his age an issue? Yes, but seeing as America is currently under an administration headed by some who constantly shows he cannot put together a rational argument at his age, what is the true argument?
    Do people tend to lose cognitive abilities as they age? Yes, I can even look at myself for that (stories for another time). But I can point to numerous people who are 60+ and still able to thrash much younger people.

    Now, my opinion. I would love to see President Trump run again. I think that in the long run, it would be better to find a younger person who can engage people and espouse conservative ideals.

    OK, I could write a lot more, but am not willing to fight the Nancy P induced alcohol fog.

  15. He didn’t carry water for The Party, of course the Republican establishment considers him a traitor. He is a traitor to the cause of advancing the progressive agenda and they are 100% invested in that cause as much as any Democrat. They each have their roll to play in promoting the New World Order and both hate Trump because he isn’t having any of it.

  16. “I volunteer for the firing squad when we finally deal with the deep state traitors. I’ll even pay for the ammo.”

    :fingering Viking battle ax:

    We really gotta’ get on the same page.

  17. Rino’s never accepted Trump. They were all on the Democrats team from the start. I bet that Kinzinger is dirty and up to his eyeballs in unreported cash. Right after the midterms are over he should be investigated thoroughly. He has the look of a frat boy weasel all over his face.

  18. “joe6, you say DeSantis is pro-Florida like it’s a bad thing?”

    Hm. Didn’t get that take at all from his comment.

    Sounded like a first-level qualification, to me.

    Since he’s pro Florida, one can extrapolate he’s pro America.

    Yeah, I tend to think people mean the best, but I really think you’re off on the wrong track on that point.

  19. Well I got that take Dadof4.

    It just seemed an odd way to praise him if that was the case.
    DeSantis is in charge of Florida but he governs from the US Constitution.

    Joe6 and I are friends so I certainly wasn’t blasting him.

    If Trump gets back in, there will be no better ally than Ron DeSantis.
    God knows Trump needs help in that department.
    I mean damn!

  20. I’d vote for a DeSantis/Trump ticket before I’d vote for a Trump/DeSantis ticket. DeSantis understands the pandemic and jab. Trump doesn’t. I quit the “hold your nose” routine a long time ago.

  21. Great comments everyone. Seems there are lots of reasonable opinions about why Trump should run or who might be a good option to represent the Republican Party.


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