Can We Avoid An A.I. Apocalypse? – IOTW Report

Can We Avoid An A.I. Apocalypse?

It’s only a matter of when, not if, we will create artificial intelligence that for all intents and purposes will do human activities better than we can. Whether the thinking machines will be sentient beings, omnipotent gods or just incredibly useful tools, all depends on decisions we make now.

According to MIT prof. Max Tegmark, we have about a 15-year window to lay down the ethical rules for A.I. before the technology either kills us or impoverishes us (by taking our jobs) or moves us forward to an unimaginable future of knowledge, efficiency and wealth.

Tegmark lays out the four principle dilemmas we’ll need to overcome in order to survive the coming A.I. revolution and get the most benefit for mankind.

Tegmark’s presentation begins at 18:00   Watch  

A review of Tegmark’s  book”Life 3.0″ Here

25 Comments on Can We Avoid An A.I. Apocalypse?

  1. We don’t have to worry about all these dire predictions of gloom from A I Robots. Global warming will have already destroyed us long before it happens.

    It’s a fact.

  2. Yeah, we don’t know enough about consciousness, its origins or quantum nature. AI using semiconductors and on/off circuits isn’t going to replicate the human brain in our lifetimes.

  3. the Great North American Sloth, better known as the ‘Gubmint Titter’ (a prolifically ‘fertile’ species that has an amazing ability to clone itself with generations of offspring) will gladly surrender to AI, as long as they continue to receive their EBT rations ordered on Amazon & delivered by the US Post Office, & their cable tv from xfinity/nbc isn’t cut off … aspiring to achieve their inner Homer Simpson
    … Soma ……… blue pill ……….

  4. If you don’t think AI will destroy humanity and need proof, just glance your head around while sitting at a stop light. Cell phones are pre-AI and everyone is buried in them. I sit on a 3 foot high saddle with my eyeballs another 3 feet over that for 6 feet of visibility while riding on 2 wheels. I swear to god people are on the road to use their cell phones first and to drive second. Confront them at a light, “I only use it at a stop light.” Fuck sake, why is cell phone use considered okay at a stop light? You are still operating a motor vehicle on a public roadway. Put it down and keep it down. Better yet, leave it at home. 5 more cars could have gone thru the light if the 10 cars that got thru didn’t have to put down their phones to see the green light. Maybe autonomous driving would help, but I’d rather see people participate in society.

  5. I’m waiting for the movie hit, “Invasion Of The Silicon Snatchers.”

    But I’m not worried. Some very clever kids will figure out how to hack them into bits. (Pun intended.)

  6. The developers are always going to seek more Human like AI , it’s our nature. I do think it will get us in trouble, and I think it’s a must to have Literal on/ off switches on all new creations !!!

  7. Someone’s been watching too much Star Trek. I don’t know about other industries, but the education AIs they are creating to score student essays are really dumb. Where I used to work, we were testing the AI’s ability to score properly. They suck.

    The students read some text, then they must write an essay based on a question. They must use some of the text in their essays. Problem with the AI, they don’t notice when the lazy students copy 100% of the text with nothing of their own writing. The AIs give them passing grades … usually very high scores.

    I asked why they couldn’t be programed to recognize copied text of more than five words without quotes. Oh, no. That would be too hard for the AI. I told them they were wrong, that a good programmer could write code to allow the AI to do that and they laughed at me.

    Fine. When the parents find out humans are not scoring these tests, they will revolt. At least, they should revolt.

    Oh, by the way; you think the AI can recognize humor? Sarcasm? Even a good turn of a phrase. Nope.

  8. [on Dave’s return to the ship, after HAL has killed the rest of the crew]
    HAL: Look Dave, I can see you’re really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

    HAL: I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I’ve still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.

  9. Fifteen years? The Magic 8-Ball has been “off the shelf” commercially available for over fifty years. It’s still better at decisions than half of all Americans. No apocalypse, yet. Well, unless you consider half of all Americans making worse decisions than a Magic 8-Ball an “apocalypse”.

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