Can We Have a President That Sang Green Acres in Overalls? – IOTW Report

Can We Have a President That Sang Green Acres in Overalls?

I’d rather have a president that sang “You Light Up My Life” wearing a matador’s outfit and swim flippers than one who sang the Call To Prayer.

And it’s not like Trump is playing sh!t saxophone and talking to a teenager about his boxers versus briefs.

VIA American Digest

24 Comments on Can We Have a President That Sang Green Acres in Overalls?

  1. Fur, you said it yourself a few days ago. Trump hasn’t spent his whole life sitting in front of a mirror, primping like a Junior Miss America contestant, waiting to move up to the party big leagues.

    Trump must have been a hoot at Kew-Forest. My personal favorite will always be his chicken wing restaurant ad from SNL.

  2. I have no problem at all with what Pop Culture stuff that they unearth with Trump.
    The friggin press didn’t dig deep with stuff like Obama’s college records, so I’m supposed to care that a presidential candidate sang Green Acres?

  3. Oh man Green Acres is a secret pleasure of mine-I have all of the episodes on VHS and once in a while I’ll pop in a tape. I loved the character Eb, what a hoot he was!

    And speaking of hoots, Trump sure is ain’t he?

  4. Fur, my point was that Trump, being who he is, is going to have so much pop culture stuff out there because he’s been in the public for so long. And I’m not laughing at Ted Cruz because I seriously think he is Mr. Haney. It was just as funny when someone made the comparison of him to Grandpa Munster. The difference between the two guys is Trump actually did don a yellow suit and sing about his chicken wing restaurant, and sing a song about ditching NYC ala Green Acres.

    (Sometimes I think my comments are too subtle.)

  5. Haters gotta hate. They don’t have to even go to the trouble of posting anything, all they’d have to do is throw the name “Trump” up as a headline and that’d keep the commenters busy for a couple days. 🙂

  6. Oh, here’s the question I thought I was answering: “Can we have a president who…”

    Unless the candidates thought they would some day be running for the office, then I guess we’re going to have a lot not-ready-for-prime-time stuff that will “surface.” Unless it’s really, really bad I don’t really care about whatever it is. And I care even less about what people not connected to their campaigns say. It’s just another opinion, usually in service to their own candidate.

  7. No, but we can have a President who plays “The Magic Flute?”

    Gimmee a fuckin break.

    Obola made the “no requirement” Presidency.

    Any – fuckin – body, no matter how stupid, how evil, how cruel, how much a coward or a traitor, how perverted, or how greedy and conniving, how much a liar, how much a dope peddler or consumer, how retarded, how malformed, how misshapen – is now qualified to be President.

    It’s called “precedent.”

  8. At Gawker, no video of Trump is needed for hate filled comments. They could simply do a one word article: “TRUMP”, and there will hundreds of hate comments. Same with Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, Bush, Carson, Cheney, Reagan, Jesus, God, Capitalism, Christian, Republican, Conservative, and the ultimate evil words, Fox News!

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