Can We Have This Version of Lindsey Graham Full Time? – IOTW Report

Can We Have This Version of Lindsey Graham Full Time?

23 Comments on Can We Have This Version of Lindsey Graham Full Time?

  1. He’s like Bette Davis in Now Voyager. The evil old mother dies (McCain) and he becomes his own person.

    Also, love when Kennedy said, “If you think this is about getting to the truth PUT DOWN THAT BONG!”

  2. I think Lindsay has been very passionate and truthful lately and I have a new respect for him. I don’t think he could have made up his statements to the Senate last week, it came from his heart. Hope this is permanent, and the others get on board. The irony to me is that the Supreme Court parses every precedent, and would not want any person or entity to be treated outside the bounds of settled law, but here we have these Bolsheviks in the Senate form the Demo party that are willing to basically put a person to death because someone accused him. Sick, disgusting, lust for raw power. These people are evil.

  3. Don’t get used to it. He said at the Atlantic “Festival” that he would vote to leave an empty seat on the Supreme Court, if there is one, during Trump’s last year in office, and the new president could make the nomination.

    So why, after all the histrionics he’s gone through over the past week, would he extend an olive branch after the entire process, and perhaps the entire Senate, has been trashed by the Left over this?

  4. About the only dependable U.S. Senators are:
    Tom Cotton
    Tim Scott
    Rick Scott (I hope)
    Tom Coburn (Oh wait – he retired like 4 years ago)
    Jim DeMint (Oh Hell – He retired too. What the Hell???)
    Jeff Sessions (He retired, too. Great Senator, mediocre Attorney General)

  5. I don`t trust this old boy. Lite issue of McCain. I feel our country is going to be faced with a situation that will cause these fucked-up (I’m sorry, ladies) kids to decide between ideology and survival. We had the Depression and then WWII was shuffled in after that. I am too old to live through the next conflagration, but I wish to see the other side of it.

  6. Maybe I’m just old, but all I could hear was a bunch of yelling and cross talking until the end when Lindsey said “the bottom line is process”. Where the hell can I get a transcript? or maybe someone here can tell me what the hell he said.

  7. I truly believe that McCain had to exit the picture before Graham felt free to speak the truth. McCain hated Trump and withstood anything from him. Now Graham sounds like a true stateman. I really hope he’s learned something about the opposition after all these years. Because his late friend sure didn’t.

  8. There’s only one explanation that makes sense to me.

    McStain had the goods on Lindsay and was blackmailing him. Now McStain’s dead.

    “Free at last, free at last! Thank Gawd almighty, I’se free at last!”



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