Can we use the term “Negro” like Biden? – IOTW Report

Can we use the term “Negro” like Biden?

34 Comments on Can we use the term “Negro” like Biden?

  1. In fact Biden used the term “Roaches” in his Corn Pop speech.
    A term that most Black people do not know was common in Biden’s youth and did not recognize.
    That’s the Beauty of Biden. He speaks so much jibberish that no one really listens to the imbecile.

  2. He also calls black men “boy” and is pleasantly surprised when one is “clean & articulate.”
    Imagine that!
    However, if they don’t vote & think like their masters then they aint’ black and likely to be put back in chains.

    What a racist fuck the dems installed and blacks voted for.
    YOU GOT THE BIGGEST SOB RACIST IN GOVERNMENT since the “exalted cyclops”

  3. Considering that, in dementia, the mind deteriorates backwards in time–i.e., forgetting new things but remembering old things–what Biden says from now on should be quite interesting.

  4. I said negro at work once, and some pinhead tells me “you can’t say that, it’s racist”. I told him to call the United Negro College Fund and tell ’em they’re all a bunch of racists. You could see the gears turning, then he shutup and walked away.

  5. @ Marco,
    Yeah that! I always assumed that I was transparent… or black (without color) because white happens when one spins all of the COLORS of the visible spectrum….. or am I confused?

  6. 𝘾𝙖𝙣 𝙬𝙚 𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙢 “𝙉𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙤” 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘽𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣?

    That’s of academic interest only.
    I don’t want to do 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 like Biden.

    Well…maybe breathe. But that’s it.

  7. Years ago, when I used to like watching the Broncos play professional football, my racist friend used to say that “our colored boys were beating their negroes.” Guess that’s no longer acceptable.

  8. Biteme is too senile to be able to navigate the PC woke verbal minefield. In this video clip he stepped on one with “great negro…”, and he had to stop and change course. That happens frequently when he tries to speak without a teleprompter.

  9. “Well, according to legend, The Great Negro rises up out of the cotton field on the Martin Luther King Eve to spread malt liquor and menthol cigarettes to all the good children…”

  10. toe MAY toe…..toe MAH toe….

    either way, you’re cancelled, if you’re not IN THE CLUB…..

    “it’s a very small club, and you are NOT in it……”

    heard that somewhere…… 🙂

  11. Biden, not only a longtime pedo but also a known klan supremacist who embraced the warped and evil racist creeds of thankfully-ded ‘EXALTED CYLOPS’ klansman Sen. Robert T. Byrd of whom the minority-hating Biden eulogized.

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