Can You Guess What This Guy Did? – IOTW Report

Can You Guess What This Guy Did?

Forget it. You’ll never guess.

29 Comments on Can You Guess What This Guy Did?

  1. Remember Back in the Olden Days, when Lorena Bobbit Took the Scissors to Mr. Bobbit ? That Was a Huge Story Front Page News, With a Thousand Splinter Stories !
    Now Men Pay for it, or in His Case Save a Few Bucks & do it Yourself !
    It would Seem our Brains Were Altered By Some Obama Era Vaccination !

  2. When he sobers up he is going to sober up at which point he won’t be able to wait to escape his new reality.

    If he ever sobers up he will be a top level motivational speaker. Who can beat that life story?

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