One less dick around the hood and one less breeder.
Uh… IT Aide for Dum-Dum Debbie?
I read the article now.
Guess he had enough of his male privilege.
The Left has found their Man of the Year.
Speed Kill Del
This is why I refuse to go to Chicago for anything.
DYI sex change? way cheaper than brucie’s
Heard about this last night on John & Kens’ Naked Desk. Material for them is like a waterfall these days.
Before reading all the SPOILER COMMENTS (you know who you are) I was gonna say he caught or um was caught by a lobster.
Clutch ma pearlerezz
Vote twice for Obama?
And henceforth he’ll be known as “Shorty” Johnson.
That’s the most useful thing this one will ever do. He won’t be doing any more indiscriminate breeding.
What wambam said.
Remember Back in the Olden Days, when Lorena Bobbit Took the Scissors to Mr. Bobbit ? That Was a Huge Story Front Page News, With a Thousand Splinter Stories !
Now Men Pay for it, or in His Case Save a Few Bucks & do it Yourself !
It would Seem our Brains Were Altered By Some Obama Era Vaccination !
When he sobers up he is going to sober up at which point he won’t be able to wait to escape his new reality.
If he ever sobers up he will be a top level motivational speaker. Who can beat that life story?
I finally got one right. We taxpayers will be paying for the the reimplantation.
TO Uncle Al
That, or “You, Nick!”
Drugs are bad kids, ummK.
“Don’t eat the brown acid.” Wavy Gravy.
Ya know, I’m going to have to re=evaluate my take on Lorena Bobbitt. She may have been on to something.
Don’t be the fool caught at the urinal next to him.
i called this guy’s 800 number but every time you call you get cut off
Watch Idiocracy. Government (us) will pay to repair the damage, he will go on to father a half dozen government dependant spawn. And so on, and so on.
A new Muzzie thing? Male Genital Mutilation?
i can post the vid on your twitter if not it`s on mine the taze was good !
He’s standing in line to sit on the toilet to pee.
He accidentally had sex with Lena Dunham?
Escaped from the city zoo.
It looks like Rose O’Donnell has been losing weight.
My guess, based on the photo, was bath salts.
He cut off his dick!
One less dick around the hood and one less breeder.
Uh… IT Aide for Dum-Dum Debbie?
I read the article now.
Guess he had enough of his male privilege.
The Left has found their Man of the Year.
Speed Kill Del
This is why I refuse to go to Chicago for anything.
DYI sex change? way cheaper than brucie’s
Heard about this last night on John & Kens’ Naked Desk. Material for them is like a waterfall these days.
Before reading all the SPOILER COMMENTS (you know who you are) I was gonna say he caught or um was caught by a lobster.
Clutch ma pearlerezz
Vote twice for Obama?
And henceforth he’ll be known as “Shorty” Johnson.
That’s the most useful thing this one will ever do. He won’t be doing any more indiscriminate breeding.
What wambam said.
Remember Back in the Olden Days, when Lorena Bobbit Took the Scissors to Mr. Bobbit ? That Was a Huge Story Front Page News, With a Thousand Splinter Stories !
Now Men Pay for it, or in His Case Save a Few Bucks & do it Yourself !
It would Seem our Brains Were Altered By Some Obama Era Vaccination !
When he sobers up he is going to sober up at which point he won’t be able to wait to escape his new reality.
If he ever sobers up he will be a top level motivational speaker. Who can beat that life story?
I finally got one right. We taxpayers will be paying for the the reimplantation.
TO Uncle Al
That, or “You, Nick!”
Drugs are bad kids, ummK.
“Don’t eat the brown acid.” Wavy Gravy.
Ya know, I’m going to have to re=evaluate my take on Lorena Bobbitt. She may have been on to something.
Don’t be the fool caught at the urinal next to him.
i called this guy’s 800 number but every time you call you get cut off
Watch Idiocracy. Government (us) will pay to repair the damage, he will go on to father a half dozen government dependant spawn. And so on, and so on.
A new Muzzie thing? Male Genital Mutilation?
i can post the vid on your twitter if not it`s on mine the taze was good !
He’s standing in line to sit on the toilet to pee.
He accidentally had sex with Lena Dunham?
Escaped from the city zoo.
It looks like Rose O’Donnell has been losing weight.