Can you spot the pro-life women from the pro-death women? – IOTW Report

Can you spot the pro-life women from the pro-death women?

Here are ten screenshots from a video where they asked women to do word association with the word abortion.

Can you spot the women who were pro-life as opposed to the ones who preferred death for the baby?

Top row left to right is 1, 2.

Second row left to right is 3, 4… etc.


22 Comments on Can you spot the pro-life women from the pro-death women?

  1. Hell’s bells, Fur! If a prog were to misrepresent a political position the way you indoctrinate and hypnotize your denizens, you’d scream lying murder.

    *None* of those women are “pro-death.” They are just opposed to Big Fur Hat telling them what to do.

    You scream about sharia, about the attempted imposition by progs on so many aspects of the lives of Americans, but when it comes to your pet “law” then women don’t have any rights.

    I know: you’ll “wiggle” around it, about how all women secretly want to birth and birth and birth and, then, care for the little munchkins. It ain’t true, buster. Worse it is not good for the babies and it is not good for the women (despite all the sob stories your denizens conjure up).

    Drop it. It is an evil. Yep. An evil, but done in the name of good and so, with the damn beam in your own eye, you can’t see it.
    …..Lady in Red

    PS: You have many more important fish to fry.

  2. #5 Tried to pretty herself up with a few things out of the tackle box? ….didn’t work

    Killing innocents is just wrong. You broke the rule and in time you will be have to answer for doing so. Sucks to be you …

  3. I’ll say all the women on the left hand side are pro death. All on the right pro life.

    I just looked at the answers and I was right! I can tell a lib by just looking at them. They have that hateful, snarky, bitchy look to them. They are all hard looking, pathetic pieces of crap.

  4. It is YOU who has it wrong, you ignorant cow.

    WHEN did BFH ever suggest that women “secretly want to birth and birth and birth”?
    Your “arguments” are so specious and twisted, you make a very poor advocate for this evil practice.
    “evil is done in the name of good”…wow, that’s just sick.
    This is a good one:
    “it is not good for the babies…”
    Presumably, “it” means the opposite of being murdered in utero.
    Last I heard, no aborted babies have weighed in on that, so good luck supporting that ridiculous claim.
    And to demand that BFH “Drop it”…how dare you?

    As other posters have suggested in the past, seek professional help.

  5. No, sir. Sadly, *you* are the delusional one. NONE of those women is “pro-death.” That is the sick label BFH, you and the other denizens attempt to slap on.

    *That* is sick, sick, sick. You cannot see the parallels between your brand of female oppression and sharia. That is sick. Try thinking, not just repeating the memes you have been forced to memorize from your version of the koran.

    Look at the beam in your own eye before you attack me.
    …..Lady in Red

  6. Sorry LIR, you’re wrong.
    It is pro-death.
    I learned this when the pro- “choice” lobby wouldn’t even accept a limit on when an abortion can take place.
    We are now at partial birth abortion.
    I do not come to this from a religious point of view, I come to this as a once dispassionate observer of a practice I cared little about.
    What I observe are absolute crazy people who characterize people who want to preserve life as the crazy ones.
    Excuse me while I say, collectively, you can all go fuck yourselves. You’re nuts.

  7. Nah, fur. That you can call it “pro-death” with a straight face indicates how crazed you have become.

    Sure. You are correct: there is little compromise on the “choice” side because the forced birthing movement is so crazed. We’re not trying to stop abortion, they prat, just want some “common sense” laws. Like zero abortion in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Common sense? Nah, the frothing forced birthing folk won’t stop, and….

    ….it is the same thing, on the left with the anti-gun folk. We don’t want to take everyone’s guns. Just some “commonsense” laws. wink-wink. More registry. More gun locks. Ban “assault weapons.” Do you really think they will ever ever stop — until all guns are banned all the time? (We can’t even have guns on military bases. Is that insane?)

    You and the anti-gun folk are cut from the same cloth. You just can’t see it.

    When you get a sharia-like bunch of crazies wanting to impose their morality on all, one has little choice, but to push back, — hard.

    You made the problem. And, it will get more ugly. Look at Mr. Einstein’s “arguments,” ….you ignorant cow. Is that high-minded? And, yes, let’s ask aborted fetuses how they feel about the prospect…? Let’s ask gassed dogs and cats how they feel? And, while we’re on the subject of stupid yuck yuck, how about “if God is so great, can he make a rock so big he can’t lift it?” *That* is the level of Mr. Einstein’s regurgitated and silly — and dangerous — memes.

    All I can say is *think* and, yes, evil is *always* done in the name of good, of morality, of right. Stoning a woman to death, or beheading a kid because he didn’t fast during a religious holiday — or murdering a zillion Jews is all done in the name of a “greater good.”

    You represent the same sick thinking. ….Lady in Red

  8. Taking into account all the means at hand in the art of contraceptive capability there is very few reasons to extinguish the life of the unborn.

    PPACA (Obama care) mandates inclusion of prevention of conception and participation. So any accidental pregnancy, other than forced acts such as rape, seemingly must happen because the actor is either lazy or stupid.

    I’ll allow you to choose which you like as your excuse, stupid or lazy….

  9. Lady in Red, You scream about women’s rights but, even though all women were once babies, YOU REFUSE TO GRANT THOSE BABIES ANY RIGHTS. And they have no way to defend themselves, which leaves them totally dependent on the good nature of their mother. Or in your case, the lack thereof.

    And here I was starting to think that you were changing for the better lately. You sure fooled me. You really are evil. Any children you might conceive are at risk of being murdered in your womb. And you call that women’s rights. Never any mention of baby’s rights. Never.
    You can’t get any more selfish than that.
    Your true colors are showing and they stink like death

  10. LIR is angry because Fur took back the language. It’s PRO-DEATH, and she hates that he’s calling a spade a spade. The Left has controlled and massaged the language for far too long.

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