Canada: Evidence that highly-contested COVID testing methods are behind Ontario’s all-time high positivity test rate – IOTW Report

Canada: Evidence that highly-contested COVID testing methods are behind Ontario’s all-time high positivity test rate

(LifeSiteNews) –

While Public Health Ontario (PHO) is reporting an all-time high positivity test rate for COVID-19, prompting the most restrictive measures from the provincial government to date, evidence shows that the diagnostic testing tools for detecting the virus being employed by the province’s health authorities may not only be misleading but false.

The main method for testing for COVID-19 in Ontario is by means of the highly controversial PCR test.

“PCR testing (also known as polymerase chain reaction testing) is a type of test that tells us if someone currently has COVID-19. It uses a sample collected with a swab from the person’s nose/throat,” states PHO’s website about the method.

Carl Heneghan, professor of evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford and director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, wrote an article along with Tom Jefferson, an honorary research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, for The Spectator last August in which they laid out how the PCR test works and why using it for mass testing “might cause more harm than good.” read more

9 Comments on Canada: Evidence that highly-contested COVID testing methods are behind Ontario’s all-time high positivity test rate

  1. The most deaths in a third coronavirus wave will consist of people who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, British scientists are warning in a new doomsday report.

    “The resurgence in both hospitalizations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively,” the study predicts.

    To combat the spike in mortality, the scientists are calling for new vaccines in the medium-term as measures to extend the period of lockdown before new vaccines are deployed.

  2. They shoved that testing swap for far up my nose it tickled my asshole. Waited 2 days and they said,” not enough material in the sample to get a result. You will probably be fine to go to work”

    Yet they told me to get a test at a particular time when tests were in short supply while Premier Fat Asshole was asking people to not waste tests by going unnecessarily.


  3. 600ish people in Ontario in ICU with covid.

    Roughly 19 to 30 deaths per day depending on what day.
    In a province of 14,570,000 people. 48 deaths Apr 24th/2021.

    48 deaths/14,570,000 = 0.00000329444 Google verified

    600 ICU patients/14,570,000 = 0.0000411805

    Never mind TOTAL CASES. Many people do not know they are sick with even the WHO stating cases may be 10 times higher that those counted.

    Oh, and by the way, yesterday there were 2 doctors riding on the Mountain bike trails with me. The nurses are doing the real work. These guys were laughing it up from Brampton Ontario, Canada’s Highest percent positive area)

  4. There’s probably going to be an election, right? Trudeau up against a majority conservative government, right?

    What better ruse to steal the election?

    Happen anywhere else?

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