Canada: Ontario Mayor Calls Criticism Of Muslim Prayers In School ‘Hate Speech’ – IOTW Report

Canada: Ontario Mayor Calls Criticism Of Muslim Prayers In School ‘Hate Speech’

DC: Brampton, Ontario Mayor Linda Jeffrey is dismissing critics who object to Muslim students having Friday prayer sessions in public schools as purveyors of “misinformation and hateful speech.” Jeffrey was responding to critics in a letter she released Thursday as Toronto-area parents in the Peel District School Board are preparing a full-scale protest on Saturday to demand that public schools not promote one religion over another.

The parents have organized a “Canada First” movement and plan a “Walk to Oppose Religion in Schools” this weekend at Celebration Square near Square One in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. They are also opposed to the motion introduced by local Liberal Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid that would ban “Islamophobia” and potentially make their protest subject to hate crimes legislation.

The parents are furious with the Peel District School Board’s decision to lift all restrictions on what are called “Friday prayer days” for Muslim students. The sessions take place on school time and include both prayers and sermons that are usually read in Arabic — leading many to ask just what is being said.

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10 Comments on Canada: Ontario Mayor Calls Criticism Of Muslim Prayers In School ‘Hate Speech’

  1. Isn’t imprecation a better word for this than “prayer”?
    And “Muslim” defines its origin.
    It’s safe to say God doesn’t hear them, so why should we(?) especially if they won’t accurately translate their verbiage.

  2. Sooooo … I assume that Rastafarians can kill chickens on school time?
    And Hanuman-ites can sing the praises of Obola?
    And Rabbis can circumcise Jewish boys in school?
    And Catholics can hold Mass?
    And Holy Rollers can roll around?
    And Whirling Dervishes can whirl?

    I thought school (even in Canada) were hothouses of secularism – guess I’m wrong.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So, here in Canada the normal people are being ignored, mocked and marginalized, just like the normal people in the US were ignored, mocked and marginalized.
    Maybe there is hope to get rid of Trudeau and his fellows here just like we got rid of Obama! (speaking as an expat)

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