Canada: Ottawa library faces court challenge for cancelling film depicting the Islamization of Europe – IOTW Report

Canada: Ottawa library faces court challenge for cancelling film depicting the Islamization of Europe

Jihad Watch: Madeline Weld, the organizer of a screening of the so-called “controversial” film Killing Europe “at the Ottawa Public Library… has applied for a judicial review of the library’s decision to cancel the showing.” Weld runs the Ottawa Chapter of Act for Canada and is also co-founder of the organization Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms (C3RF).

Killing Europe is a documentary that warns about the dangers of the Islamization of Europe. Its producer was scheduled to give a talk following the screening. See the trailer here.

Unfortunately, the Ottawa Public Library succumbed to the demands of some members of the public who had a predetermined judgement about the film. Those opposing viewed it as:

thinly veiled hate speech and a violation of Ontario’s Human Rights Code and the library’s policy to turn down events that are likely to promote discrimination.

The problem with predetermined accusations that consistently arise in the face of attempts to discuss the truth about Islamic supremacism and jihad is that such arguments are never founded upon reason and honesty. As writer Melanie Phillips succinctly put it:

Throughout Europe, there is a paralysis over attributing this cultural catastrophe to the Islamic world. Yes, it’s important to note that many Muslims refuse to subscribe to this, that millions lead unblemished lives in the West and that they are themselves targeted by Islamist extremists. But the silence over the specific religious roots of this widespread extremism is contributing to its acceleration.

The phobia about criticizing Islam is becoming more rooted in Canada.  more here

2 Comments on Canada: Ottawa library faces court challenge for cancelling film depicting the Islamization of Europe

  1. Didja ever notice that Leftists are like dogs the refuse to look at something they don’t understand or don’t want to acknowledge? Especially guilty dogs. It’s like if we don’t look at it, it’s not there… it didn’t happen or it’s not happening. Meanwhile the iSlamists are saying: ” yeah, we’re good with that!”
    Wake up and smell the fukin coffee Hosers!!


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