Canada: Police Union Boss Says gun Ban Will Have ‘Zero Impact’ On Crime – IOTW Report

Canada: Police Union Boss Says gun Ban Will Have ‘Zero Impact’ On Crime

DC: Toronto’s police union boss is dismissing a city handgun ban as a way of addressing the escalating crime and homicides in the city.

As the Toronto Sun reports, Toronto Police Association President Mike McCormack broke his silence on the proposed ban Monday, saying, “A handgun ban would fail to stop Toronto’s violence and murders. I would support anything that would have an impact, but a ban wouldn’t get to the core of the issue. A municipal government banning handguns will have zero impact.”

Toronto Mayor John Tory disagreed with the police force president and continued to demand a total handgun ban in the city — something that the Trudeau government is considering for the whole country.

Tory repeated his oft-repeated line, questioning why people even seek handgun ownership in his city.

“I don’t know why anyone would need a handgun in Toronto. If we can take one gun out of one hand, we can save one life,” Tory insisted.  MORE HERE

17 Comments on Canada: Police Union Boss Says gun Ban Will Have ‘Zero Impact’ On Crime

  1. Crime and homicides (homicide isn’t a crime?) are increasing in Toronto.

    Mayor John Tory says, “I don’t know why anyone would need a handgun in Toronto.”

    It is hard to imagine uttering that sentence out of nothing but sheer stupidity or delusion, so I will assume Tory is a lying scum-sucking politician with delusions of competence and aspirations for a position where he can lord it over more subjects and to get there is willing to say any idiotic thing that he believes will appeal to more voters than it will repulse.

    Hmm. I used “repulse” when maybe I should’ve used “revolt”.

  2. Maybe I’m wrong here, but I don’t believe there’s ‘zero impact”. Haven’t all studies on gun bans proven that in areas with strict gun bans there is an increase in crime. Not a decrease or that it remains the same. Very much different from “zero impact”.

  3. the last “honest ” Union Boss I remember was a conservative Dem named Ron! that was 70 years ago! SAG

    But the man running USW when I was a member ’63 – was decent. Honesty is hard to find in either libs or union bosses. But sometimes it is there! See Ron 1948!

  4. I’m posting here because nobody gives a rats ass about Canada.

    See, if this was twitter, I could just have my say and move on. But here…it just kills threads. So again, Canada, rats ass.

    Now on to the story. It fugged up my day. The entire day. What was it? Why, tattoos on retards of course. No, no, not idiots with stupid tattoos, I mean 3 or 4 people with downs syndrome who came into my buddys ink shop while I happened to be there. It was 10 am, who the hell gets a tat a 10 am?


    I could go on and on but let me just say that A, they were chaperoned, and B, the tats were for a religious camp they all attended.

    However….. nothing can prepare you for watching a retarded person get a tat. The facial expressions alone…. dear God…. I may have given myself a hernia from laughter… and of course…. the conversation….


    And of course the Jesus cross is a little squiggly from all the squirming….

    I just needed to get this off of my chest. I’m still laughing…probably goin’ to hell for it…. but… whatever.

    Find a guy with downs syndrome, get him to get a tat. It’s soooo worth it.

  5. Only people with a mind like a child
    or people who are evil and want to enslave you
    would think that criminals will turn them in
    and no one will ever smuggle a hand gun across
    the border…when they are illegal and cost $975
    for a dirty used hand gun.

  6. If Tory and the rest of the left want to really make an impact on gun crimes then ban hoodies. It’s well known that among a certain section of our population a hoodie is a prerequisite to committing a gun crime and since that’s the segment that are committing the vast majority of the gun crimes I’m sure that would work.

  7. Yes, I was thinking of her when I wrote that. In the morning would be a lovely e-mail explaining that while she appreciated my sense of humor she recognized that some may find it disruptive or offensive and please don’t do it any more.

    And then I’d swear to be good…for like…. 72 hours… when I’d get another e-mail….. sigh…. good times.

  8. “Mayor John Tory says, “I don’t know why anyone would need a handgun in Toronto.””
    Liar. All the fucking muzzies you assholes are importing is one very big reason – no doubt there are others.
    One thing you can be sure of: there isn’t a bit of difference between one leftist and another anywhere in the world.

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