Canada says it will likely end need for entrance visas for Mexicans – IOTW Report

Canada says it will likely end need for entrance visas for Mexicans

FOX.Latino: Canadian International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland told EFE on Friday that her country will announce the elimination of entrance visas for Mexicans at the end of the month, when Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto visits Canada.

But Freeland also related the elimination of visas to “Mexican support” in trade matters.

In a statement to EFE following an event in Toronto organized by the Canadian Council for the Americas, or CCA, to discuss the Pacific Alliance, the minister said the Canadian government places great importance on its relations with Mexico.

“Part of our electoral platform during the last election was to talk about the importance of close relations with Mexico, and more specifically, to deal with the visa problem,” Freeland said.  more

15 Comments on Canada says it will likely end need for entrance visas for Mexicans

  1. We should do to them what Mexico does to us. We’ll pick up the illegals at our border and bus them straight up to Canada. We’ll make a deal with Mexico that they can send us their illegals under the condition that they only go to Canada. Just like Mexico does with the countries to their south. Canada can easily absorb millions of people since their population is about 1/3 of the size of ours.

  2. I don’t understand. What are they going to do with a bunch of stinking useless beaners? Do they know those “people” breed like rabbits, live in filth, and are useless?

  3. I see the crafty strategy Poodles Trudeau is pursuing here:

    Lure the Reconquistas into gobbling up territory and overextending their supply lines, then attack them as their offensive grinds to a halt at the gates of Montreal, frozen in the mud of the fearsome Canadian Winter.

    What a genius.

  4. America should allow the funneling of Mexicans to Canada, just as Mexico allows the funneling of Central Americans to the US. Canada can then bask in the richness of Diversity. Glad to help, Canada and your twisted suicidal Progressives.

  5. @Thirdtwin – I dunno. Then there’s that long, slow march south down through the US as they hit every social services agency to sign up for gimmes. I figure by the time they reach Scranton they’ll have run out of poutine and beans.

  6. “I believe the only thing Germany could have done to win the war is to have continued the offensive South after the capture of Kiev in September of 1941. After what was perhaps the greatest battle in history, the Soviet army in the South was entirely crushed and had very few forces positioned in the Don Bend, the steppes leading into the Caucasus or pretty much anywhere west of the Volga, south of Voronezh. The resources available in these areas would have sufficiently supplied Germany with the means to fight this war against both the Soviets and the US, especially given their operational and tactical superiority. WHY DIVERT GUDERIAN’S SECOND PANZER GROUP BACK TO MOSCOW WITH WINTER APPROACHING IN 1941? Why not keep him in the South and take the goodies: the grain of Ukraine, the mineral wealth of the Don region and the oil from the Caucasus?”

    La Raza uber alles!!

  7. “I believe the only thing Germany could have done to win the war is to have continued the offensive South after the capture of Kiev in September of 1941….”

    I do not disagree. But remember who was calling the shots..der führer

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