Canada: Sharia Law Political Party Must Not Be Allowed – IOTW Report

Canada: Sharia Law Political Party Must Not Be Allowed

CFP: The Islamic Party of Ontario (IPO) has officially reserved its name with Elections Ontario, and is part-way along the path towards becoming an official party.

According to their website, the soon-to-be party will be guided in its policy formation by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which starts with, ‘Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law” – and we are further informed that “The Islamic Party of Ontario believes in ‘Supremacy of God’ and understands that it is our constitutional requirement to make all the rule of laws of Provinces and Federal in obedience and according to the will of God.”

That might sound harmless enough, but they are not referring to “our” God, they are referring to “their” God – and there is an immense difference between the two.

Indeed, it might be fair to say that the IPO intends to gut and shred our rights and freedoms by installing and enforcing Sharia Law in Ontario.
More explicitly, we are informed that “(The) Qur’an is the latest and final edition of divine books that provides complete guidance to all mankind in all walks of life that include politics and governance under the belief of Supremacy of God… All other Books of God are now obsolete after the final revelation of God, the Quran.”

And, finally, “Qur’an and Sunnah are the two sources of guidance given by God, the Creator of human beings and the whole universe, to shape our private and public life both… Islamic Party of Ontario sets its policy of governance, economy, social justice, human dignity, healthcare, family life, environment, and justice, etc. according to the Qur’an and Sunnah… Islamic Party of Ontario believes in the rights and freedoms of all faith and religious beliefs to practice their faith in their private lives, and the establishment of places of worship with full protection of life, wealth, and dignity… To achieve the objective, Islamic Party of Ontario will follow the peaceful and democratic means provided by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.”

“To achieve the objective” indeed! It would be thoroughly inconsistent with Islamic principles to protect “the rights and freedoms of all faith and religious beliefs” so we can take that with a grain of salt, particularly bearing in mind their policy to “ban blasphemy”.

So, after all the sugar-coating is removed, what are we really looking at?

According to the Wikipedia entry Divisions of The World in Islam, “In classical Islamic law, the major division are dar al-islam (lit. territory of Islam), denoting regions where Islamic law prevails, dar al-sulh (lit. territory of treaty) denoting non-Islamic lands which have concluded an armistice with a Muslim government, and dar al-harb (lit. territory of war), denoting adjoining non-Islamic lands whose rulers are called upon to accept Islam.”  READ MORE

5 Comments on Canada: Sharia Law Political Party Must Not Be Allowed

  1. I’m with you Uncle Al, maybe a wall around my City.. unfortunately My district is right next to Rashida Tlieb. She was out going door to door(Get out the
    vote) I heard hollering in the side driveway Husband was telling her he was busy, she does not have Permission to be in the back.As she was leaving I said to her there’s no Soliciting in the back.She claimed exclusions for religious or political. Not True. She’s a piece of work. Nasty an Mouthy.

  2. So, a legalistic cure for communism? Let me know when they need campaign workers south of the border. (It’s movement. But it’s still too slow rolling for me to put up with Ontario.)


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