Canada Wants Ukraine to Be “Gender-Inclusive” When Clearing Minefields – IOTW Report

Canada Wants Ukraine to Be “Gender-Inclusive” When Clearing Minefields

National Post

The press release that went out Saturday makes mention of $3.02 billion in financial and military support to Ukraine in 2024, but it also outlines a number of smaller, targeted initiatives.

One of these, listed as “Gender-inclusive de-mining for sustainable futures in Ukraine,” has a funding budget of $4 million. More

11 Comments on Canada Wants Ukraine to Be “Gender-Inclusive” When Clearing Minefields

  1. Somehow I picture a Gay, Lesbian, one-eyed, diesel-fired, plaid flannel shirt-wearing, log-rolling, hunchbacked, transgender dwarf on the end of a looong pole mounted to the front end of a tank.

    Hell, the nipple rings and the face hardware alone would be enough to set off anything metal detecting!

  2. The progtards sure have some dumb ass ideas and this is one of the worst. Like the mines are really gonna care about pronouns. “Excuse me, mr., ms, mine sir/no sir, whatever the hell your pronoun is, can I, man/womyn, hermaphrodite, please, pretty please get you not to blow up and kill people/non people/zombies etc. just because you’re an evil minefield designed to blow people to itty, bitty pieces all in the name of progress because you don’t like them.” Ma Gaia doesn’t approve of your raping her fields which should be sown with food crops and not mines. The absurdity of the left is beyond the pale anymore and defies belief that anyone could be this stupid.

  3. Could be the Ukes will clear mines the old-fashioned way – force undesirables to walk across the mine fields.

    To me, that would be child-molesters and pervs. For the Ukes, it would be Russian POWS.


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