Canada’s ‘expert’ panel recommends the mentally ill be candidates for euthanasia – IOTW Report

Canada’s ‘expert’ panel recommends the mentally ill be candidates for euthanasia

American Thinker:
By Eric Utter

Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAiD) law is already the most permissive euthanasia and assisted-suicide legislation in the world. 

Understandably controversial in itself, there are many horror stories surrounding its implementation. For example, as recently reported,

A 71-year-old widower was admitted to a Southwestern Ontario hospital after a fall. His family says during his admission he contracted an infectious diarrheal illness. He was humiliated by staff for the smell of his room, his family said. He developed a new shortness of breath that was not comprehensively assessed. In this context, a hospital team member suggested he would qualify for MAiD. The team said he had end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and it was terminal. The patient was surprised by the diagnosis but trusted the team. Within 48 hours of his first assessment, he received a medically assisted death. Post-mortem testing showed he did not have end-stage COPD. His family doctor, when notified of his death, also stated he did not have end-stage COPD, but the team had failed to contact her when they were assessing his history.

Oops. Sorry.

First, do no harm? Respect for life? Canadian nice? more
h/t NAAC.

24 Comments on Canada’s ‘expert’ panel recommends the mentally ill be candidates for euthanasia

  1. They also tell vaccine injured people they are suffering from anxiety and don’t have any real issues. So pronouncing them mentally ill would be a nice way to shut them up along with anyone else that goes against the narrative.

  2. I’m surprised most of the blue states don’t have similar laws. States that allow the murder of an unborn infant in the 9th month would have no compunction at all about killing someone despondent over an false debilitating diagnosis.

    Removing God from the equation devalues the individual. Instead of a unique being with a soul, precious in God’s eyes, you are a random collection of cells, created without purpose or moral clarity. The worms need the food.

  3. This might be highly controversial, but I’ve seen plenty of mentally ill liberals in THIS country who could be candidates as well.

    But hey, that’s just me. 😉

  4. This is a sick, terrible development that may be coming to a theater near us. We have got to oppose it if it shows up in the US.

    This is another way to cull the herd. The bastards have no shame.

  5. on second thought … when ‘we’ get in charge we can make being a DemonRat a ‘mental illness’! (obviously, as it surely is)

    … it’s for their own good, after all

  6. Reminds me of some years back when then-governor Corrupt Big Bro Fredo Andrew Cuomo and Lil Billionaire Toad former NYC mayor had the audacity to film and discuss their scheme to exterminate hospitalized and nursing home elderly in a phony display of “compassion”. Brings to mind also that several years later Big Bro Fredo Andy released the covid19 disease in nursing homes, via the covid-infected, which killed multitudes of unsuspecting patients and suspect deaths which also occurred in NYC hospitals. This, under Cuomo’s order and that of HHS, NYC Medical Examiner, NYC Vital Records, along with Bloomberg and his funding. Take note of the fact that Fredo Andy had ordered dead bodies to be lined up along the Red Hook waterfront as a sinister “warning” to NY citizens if they refused to comply with his greed-saturated lockdowns and masks demands. Filmed and documented.

  7. Since liberals are slippery with their language, let’s remember Slick Willie discussing what the definition of “is” is….

    “Mentally Ill” is just rife with possibilities…. enough to make a liberals head spin

  8. I’m for it.
    Come to Toronto and see how many fuck-tards are wandering the streets.

    1 month ago we had a young woman doused with accelerant and lit on fire waiting for a the Kipling Subway on her way to work.

    3 weeks later, same subway station, 85 year old punched in the face by a Dindu Nufin.

    Thin the heard…

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