Canada’s Shania Twain Says She Would Have Voted For Trump, but then Twitter got ugly and… – IOTW Report

Canada’s Shania Twain Says She Would Have Voted For Trump, but then Twitter got ugly and…

Country star Shania Twain is Canadian, but if she had been allowed to vote in America’s 2016 elections, her choice would have been Donald Trump.

And here she is, walking her comments back.

Man! She feels so PC

My answer was awkward, but certainly should not be taken as representative of my values nor does it mean I endorse him. I make music to bring people together. My path will always be one of inclusivity, as my history shows. (4/4)



I was trying to explain, in response to a question about the election, that my limited understanding was that the President talked to a portion of America like an accessible person they could relate to, as he was NOT a politician (3/4)



I am passionately against discrimination of any kind and hope it’s clear from the choices I have made, and the people I stand with, that I do not hold any common moral beliefs with the current President (2/4)



I would like to apologise to anybody I have offended in a recent interview with the Guardian relating to the American President. The question caught me off guard. As a Canadian, I regret answering this unexpected question without giving my response more context (1/4)

21 Comments on Canada’s Shania Twain Says She Would Have Voted For Trump, but then Twitter got ugly and…

  1. I like the way EVERYONE, including Ms. Twain, believes they have any idea WHAT PDJT’s moral beliefs are….. Meh! Now Shania is dead to me.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. It’s a damn shame when someone smokin’ hot acts cowardly and doesn’t stand her ground. The correct “correction” was: “F*CK YOU! I said I’d have voted for Trump because he was honest and Hillary helped her husband get away with RAPING JUANITA BROADRICK. Did I already mention F*CK YOU?”

  3. Whenever you hear a celebrity speak their mind and it seems like a normal everyday good thing to say, go check their twitter account. 80% of the time, they back down, showing their soft squishy belly to the Prog wolves. Good luck with your album sales, precious. Country fans are on the Right. You probably gained about a handful on the left. LOL. Oh well.

  4. these types of mindless stupid musicians are exactly why i choose to go with my plan D rather than living the life of starving as a drug addled musician.

    thanks sharia train for reminding me of this valued decision i made to my family and monogamous never been divorced from wife.

    its people like yourself that are here to remind us of how not to live our lives, keep up the good work and please stay in canadia you cuck

  5. This only reinforces my belief that no one in show business should EVER become involved in politics in any way, shape, or fashion. Whether you are Liberal, Conservative, or Anarchist,
    it always leads to trouble, one way or another.

    If I was a celeb (and thank God I’m not), my answer to all questions political would be
    “No comment”.

    In Twain’s case, having already shot her mouth off, the correct response to any further criticism would be, “Do the letters FOAD mean anything to ya?”

  6. Let’s see. There’s been the Stone Age, the Bronze Age , the Iron Age , the Industrial Age , and so on. We’re now in the Let’s Be Offended About Everything Age, I hope it ends soon. It’s tiresome.

    Once you say what you really think, stand your ground. Once you start walking it back the original offended group will remain offended, because they’re always unhappy & offended, and those who would have stood with you also won’t be happy. You’ve lost both sides. If you’re not prepared to stand firm, don’t say anything. However, it’s the whack job leftists that are the hair trigger offended who want to bully people into thinking their way & only their way. It’s worth the effort to tell them to go… well, you know, …. themselves. That impossible act Clint Eastwood spoke about in 2012.

  7. She caved to the pressure. She has the spine of a jellyfish, like so many CEOs that’ll gladly bend over for an extra dollar, like the lickspittles that run Dick’s Sporting Goods.

    We’re going down the same road as Britain, which has already lost its testicles.

  8. @Blink

    >Let’s see. There’s been the Stone Age, the Bronze Age , the Iron Age , the Industrial Age , and so on. We’re now in the Let’s Be Offended About Everything Age, I hope it ends soon. It’s tiresome.

    I call it the age of Weenies. This edition of America does not have the guts to take on a Nazi Germany or a Soviet Union. I hate to say it, but we are almost done for. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll have wreaked havoc on us.


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