Canadian Atheist Wants To Strip God From Alcoholics Anonymous – IOTW Report

Canadian Atheist Wants To Strip God From Alcoholics Anonymous

Declaring that Alcoholics Anonymous discriminates against “atheists, agnostics and free thinkers,” Lawrence Knight  has taken the organization to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal demanding they modify the twelve steps to exclude the term “higher power.”


So the serenity prayer would become what, a serenity statement?

17 Comments on Canadian Atheist Wants To Strip God From Alcoholics Anonymous

  1. Must strip spirituality out of everything to make sure we fully embrace the Orwellian new world. Atheists have become the least tolerant people in society. Fine, you don’t believe in God – why does it bother them so much that others do or seek comfort in religion?!

  2. Yah hey there, canadians can’t be critical of one another in fear of offending that carries a hard fine and sentence. It’s a free for all for things that aren’t as they have been on the grounds of offending. It’s a country of snowflakes and by golly if they don’t want God, they shalt not have God.

  3. and so it continues, the majority manipulated by the minority activists

    the pattern is clear

    open border progressives

    99% of the above are democrats, you open the door with pc to these assholes and the activists go for the throat

  4. Even the Dull & Ignorant have their story. [taken from Desiderata]. I have recovered from alcoholism through a power greater than myself and found those that would not accept a higher power have either fallen and are dead or still in recovery 30 years later.

  5. Actually, many AA chapters try to avoid mentioning God directly.

    I went to a lot of open AA meetings with my wife when she was first getting sober. Many, many of them do not believe in God, so it is a common hurdle to deal with with new comers. My wife was agnostic, at best, before AA. I am certain this very common trait is not just a co-incidence.

    It was always acknowledging a “higher power” that was referenced because so many people had a problem acknowledging God (Don’t want ANYONE’S rules over them – especially Him). Although they always ended the meetings with a well known Christian prayer.

    I always thought it interesting non-believers were saying a prayer every day and achieving recovery. God listens if you’re sincerely praying to Him. One step at a time you draw closer. 🙂 Whatever it takes.

    The local chapter here has a habit of adding and subtracting whatever makes them feel comfortable when it comes to this “higher power”. “Take what you want and leave the rest!” Even the ending prayer was often varying from chapter to chapter.

    The main hurdle is about letting go of the idea they are in charge of their lives. “How’s that working out for you?” (Legit question in my opinion) “Let the higher power be a bread box if it works for you” “Do you have any power over the ocean? No? Then give your problems to it!”

    Bottom line – Bill’s book, and AA in general, is nothing without God. Take God out completely and you have no effectual AA recovery.

    Whoever wants this must hate people a lot. It works as it is. It won’t if He’s out.

    P.S. If someone tells you they’ve “finished the 12 steps and it didn’t work” – They don’t understand the program. You are never done. You keep working them. Forever.

  6. Shorter version – they don’t discriminate at all. They accommodate you on whatever level you’re at.

    The place is full of non-believers. That’s how they got there in the first place. At least %99.9 of them.

    It’s also the resistance of acknowledging this “higher power” that thwarts their recovery the most.

  7. Considering themselves to be the “higher power” is what makes most of them alcoholics in the first place.
    Acknowledging God as a higher power has helped many alcoholics break free from the addiction.

    If you are not being attacked for your beliefs in this day and age, you’re probably a moslem or an atheist.

  8. Not even the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal is stupid enough to either take this on or rule in his favor (and they’re plenty stupid) as it would be a disaster. This jackass already was instrumental in starting a similar group that took most of the AA wording and pitched the references to God. You notice that’s never enough for people on the left that always want to control and dictate other people’s lives. Hell, get a couple of guys, grab this meddling douche and drag him out in the alley and force feed him a quart of Rye. That ought to do that.

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